Mar 31, 2005 03:48
Salem left with silence. I'm now getting my high school education, the knowledge absolutely essential for one to live a happy life this day in age, without which one will certainly die young and miserable, at a terd called Newton High School.
The male population consists of a lot of pussy-ass brothas who wishes they asses was gangsta, and many many many whitetrash faggots who aren't really faggots because they aren't cool enough to be homosexual. And of course, as of three days ago, myself. Categorize me as you wish, and if you would be so kind, grace me with a comment including the category you chose for me.
On a more positive note, the female population is fly as fuck.
Ima be up in tha St. Holmes fight club during the summer. Mommy and Daddy, since I know you be readin my journizzle, the niggas there don't do drugs.
S to the arah is cool as hell.
You aint the shit.
Take it easy.