Phil Bowtell AKA
superspliff, 14.07.1982 - 25.11.2004
Phils story:
Born with heart defects, he had a heart transplant when he was 17. Of course, along with transplants comes rejection. Phil never went to his past few hospital appointments where they could have given him ultra anti rejection drugs. Last week they found a hole in his ventricle, also a leak. They gave him just about 2 years to live.
A week later, today, he died.
I was on my way to college, and I got a phonecall from Matt (being Phils flatmate) saying the police had just turned up from Lee's
themanicdude (where Phil stayed the last night) saying Phil had died.
Where my phone is utterly wank, when matt said Phil didn't wake up I said "Is he in a coma?" to which matt replied "no he's dead" and I thought he said "or he's dead". So I got off the bus, and got the bus back to Matts. When I got there I asked if Phil was OK & Matt replied "no, he died."
The thing is, Phil died in his sleep, which i'm greatful for. I'm also greatful for the fact that with heart transplants, they don't re-attatch nerves, so he wouldn't have felt anything. Of course, he hasn't had the biopsy yet..but it's blantantly obvious it was a major heart attack.
The thing i'm not greatful for was he was too young. He didn't have time to prepare. Him and Matt parted on bad terms & he left his girlfriend, Marie, behind. It's weird that I wont get annoyed at hearing his laugh through the doors of Matts room which is Phil watching TV. I wont hear him & marie playfighting anymore. I wont be able to see his cheeky grin, skav for fags..anything.
I just hope he's happy where he is, smoking a big fat joint with Bob Marley with his dog Ziggy..
It's just all so surreal.
Love you Phil x