The past couple weeks have been the first time in years i have been making it to work early.
Im fucking disgusted, fuck your well polished words and your slick sentence. I hate them and what they mean. It kills me that people would be woo'ed by your tricks.
my finger tips feel like frozen carrots and its making it weird to type. my feet are sticky and im sure they stink due to the leather shoes im wearing without socks.
I wish i could think of something to write about, there is only a couple things i want to get off my chest but ill leave those to build up inside my head till they seep out the cracks. whats up with these fuck faces who believe all these romantic movies and dedicate there lives to try and preform it. yea its awesome to do romatic things and dedicate your life, but romance is sporadic and uncontrolled, not well thought out plans and carefully crafted maps for people to follow. hopefully no buys into those maps. so fucking over dramatic, like you live inside of Nicholas Sparks caudate nucleus or a Jon Brian song. in short simple words everyone can understand stop being such a cunt, dont think you are better or more deserving then me. you have no idea who i am. and how i feel for things, who are you to try and take that away. for the ones confused and woo'ed my our little antagonizer, fuck that! I guess i cant completely say i would mind you wasting your time on me but, just that i would of rather not known what i know. maybe i know nothing.