"how would you like that day off?" that is a stupid question of cource i would love the day off, idiot.
"should you take the day off?" is the question my boss should be asking me, at least then i would be able to think about
my needs over wants. calling me and asking me if i would like the day off while im sittting here in my boxers watching dating shows on the hottest day
i have ever witnessed , of course im going to say i would like the day off, when you catch me off guard. now im sitting here wishing i had money, something to do, and some cold water. i havnt worked in like 5 days in a row. and i just payed rent. and i was supposed to put the rest of my pay check in the bank to pay my car payment but it looks like that will have to be put on hold.
i hate my fuckin car. if you have been in it, you know its a peice of shit, it makes machine gun noises, the AC doesnt work very well, and just recently the volume on the cd player broke, it works if i find its g-spot but thats hard, so im either driving with the music way to low or bumping it way to loud.
so im bored, i planned my whole day around working:
i woke up
read a little
sketched pictures
watched dating shows
down loaded music
and then was supposed to go to work
now im sitting here
well im going to walk the streets looking for something to do,