Having secured a worldhop to Joan's world, Owen found himself standing in 1961 Manhattan, in front of an impressive skyscraper for Sterling Cooper. He briefly looked at his cell phone, tucking it away when he saw he didn't have any reception.
It didn't matter - Torchwood could deal without him. As it was, he was getting some not-too-pleasant looks, standing there in jeans and a tee (though he didn't see what the big deal was, he was wearing a blazer, and his jeans were black, and wasn't that all that mattered?), so he quickly made his way to the reception, smiling oh-so-politely at the receptionist and asking for Miss Holloway, if she wouldn't mind, and thanks so much. With that page going through, Owen found himself looking around the reception, taking it in for what it was worth as he waited for the inevitable freak out of the century.
Well, one of them, at least.