vatheon app

Sep 08, 2010 00:08

[ Player Name ] : Drift
[ Personal LJ ] : driftingforward
[ Age ] : Over 9000 15 and legal for many exciting things. Also; 22.
[ Timezone ] : GMT.
[ Other Characters ] : None.

[ Character's Name ] : Conrad Achenleck
[ Character's Age ] : 27
[ Series ] : Hanna is Not a Boy's Name
[ Canon Point ] : Chapter 3, tracking down Ples.

[ History ] :
Not much is known about Conrad's past, pre-canon; his father left when Conrad was three (and he hasn't seen him since), and he was raised by his mother. Although British, he went to Ringling College of Art and Design in Florida, and has since become a freelance graphic designer.
In the comic, Conrad first appeared when he hired Hanna Cross, a paranormal investigator, to remove a (literal) vampire bat from his apartment. Things didn't go exactly as planned - in the resulting fight between the vampire Adelaide and Hanna, ... and Conrad, the latter ended up drained of blood thanks to the now-human-shaped (and still stunningly sassy) Adelaide.
Using some of her blood after the vampire fled, Hanna managed to resurrect dead-Conrad as undead-Conrad, vampire extraordinaire (or possibly just a failpire).
Since then, Conrad has been exposed to half-selkies, werewolves, other vampires, and generally everything designed to piss him off and make his new 'life' incredibly annoying. He still lives in his apartment, keeping his regular job though, and also gets beaten up a lot. He blames Hanna.

[ Personality ] :
Conrad might best be described as a 'neurotic wimp with a dash of seething, repressed fury'. He's anal, likes everything neat, hygienic and in its place, and has a fashion sense that could be called metrosexual at best, and incredibly gay by most at worst.

He grumbles, he bitches, he whines and spazzes, but underneath all that - buried deep below thick layers of hs desire to be normal and conform with all of Regular Society - Conrad has a somewhat violent rage burning to get out and punch people in the faces. Hard. Repressing his reactions to all the niggling annoyances of everyday life and the fact he's generally walked over by those stronger than him has left Conrad with a temper that emerges as sarcasm, eye-rolling and - when under stress - bouts of crazed violence that he later regrets.

Despite what one might think, Conrad has adapted surprisingly well to his death and vampirism. Although he's still keeping it secret from his 'normal' friends, Conrad has pretty much accepted his new state (even thoguh he doesn't know much about his limits) and is getting on with normal life as best he can, despite now knowing about magic; despite his initial shock over such matters, he seems to quickly accept new developments into his status quo. Despite not exactly being sociable, he does seem to be fairly worried about and protective of people, and hangs around with Hanna and the others a little often fro someone simply 'protecting his access to food'.

A mix of squeamishness and general (trying-to-keep-it-hidden) niceness is what prevents Conrad from drinking from people, and keeps him firmly on the 'bagged-blood' side of nutrition. Aside from the fact he spazzes out over how disgusting and unhygienic it is to drink from strangers, Conrad genunely doesn't want to hurt people. It's only a lifetime of being a doormat which has made him throw up a protective shell of assholishness in an attempt to prove he doesn't care what other people think of him. Which - as seen from how hard he tries to act normal - he actually does.

All in all, Conrad is a very simple person, wrapped up in a pretending-to-be-complicated person, with a side-dish of blood-sucking. The ultimate crouching pansy, hidden wuss.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :
+ A freelance graphic designer, Conrad is good with art and technology, which is good considering he's generally bad at dealing with actual people. His color co-ordination could make a lesser man weep (possibly with laughter).
+ He 'knows how to throw a punch' and has been in fights before, but isn't exactly a fighter. He isn't much of a lover, either.
+ Since becoming a vampire, his sense of smell has improved significantly (and perhaps other senses?), but he remains near-sighted. He also doesn't seem to have the typical vampire strength/speed/etc that other vampires have.
+ He might be able to turn into a bat, like other vampires. Seeing as Conrad's completely lacking in all vampiric training, though, he'd have no idea where to start. Not to mention he's scared of heights.
+ Needs blood to live, but loathes the idea of drinking from a person, preferring bagged blood. Can you say 'antisocial hygiene-freak'?
+ Can't go into houses uninvited.

[ Sample ] :
Oh. Oh wow. This was not good. A few moments of fumbling and Conrad's glasses were cleaned and replaced on his nose. Yep, his first thought was right - the blur became defined as some kind of tattoo on the back of his hand, in what would be the full view of potential clients.

And he was in some freaky place, yeah, but Conrad wasn't too worried about that. He'd just strangle Hanna until the kid fixed whatever he'd screwed up. More importantly? Tattoo. His dinosaur one was fine, it wasn't like he went around baring his shoulders to anyone, but THIS?!

He scowled at it for a moment, dusting himself down with the other hand as he stood up. Wonderful. Just what he needed when he had three logos to design in a tight schedule. Being teleported into God-knows-where for who-knew-how-long. And what was that damn light in the corner of his-

Oh. Oh. There was... some kind of glowy fairy thing ove his shoulder. Great. Well, that was normal. Well done, Hanna.

... Did it really have to be pink?

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : N/A


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