Dec 07, 2007 22:39
1. I have one statement about the Grammy's, but I'll let Mr. Trent Reznor speak the words since he makes the point far better than I can: “While the music industry is doing everything they possibly can to go out of business, can we all make sure to rid ourselves of the Grammys, too? Out of touch old men jacking each other off. ENOUGH!” (Trent Reznor)
This could really be said of all awards shows, but where would be if we attempted to create a society without judgement (God forbid! -sarcasm-)?
"Good" things 'we're' not questioning: 'healthy' competition, the Grammys, Amy Winehouse
2. I can't keep watching this stuff - Columbine was an aberration at the time... we hadn't really seen a nationally covered youth tragedy like that, it was very surreal. Now, I've teared up twice at work (I've only worked here NINE months) over youth inflicted PREVENTABLE DEATHS. People are so afraid of putting effort into change that they'd rather blame video games or call it one deviant 'problem child,' then face the fact that if we as a nation paid more attention to the way children were being raised, medication was being prescribed, how medications reacted in people, how children fare after they go to college, etc. so many homocides, suicides, overdoses and drug/alcohol addictions could be prevented or overcome.
He was taking Lexapro. I'll try to make as few generalizations here as possible - Some people know how dangerous this drug is, pharmacologists, doctors and even some patients. However, most people don't understand anti-depressants, don't have good relationships with the doctors they see and/or simply take what they are prescribed and don't adequately monitor the affects. Lexapro can do serious damage. So can Zoloft, the category they fall into is the SSRI's and a lot of them have the standard warnings of sexual side effects and even to watch out for an initial response of SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. However, how many patients are prescribed these meds from PCPs? How many go to their follow-ups regularly? How many people have psychotic breaks or become homocidal/suicidal because of the drug and NOT because of their true brain chemistry????
It's mind boggling. And it's disgusting that we (as a country/ as a legal system) are so fucking irresponsible about drugs deemed legal while the fucking war on, well, marijuana, specifically, is worth wasting millions of dollars on when THAT DOESN'T KILL ANYONE!?
I'd rather die of Malaria than be shot by some kid who lost his way. It's sad as hell.
The "good"s not questioned in #2 should be pretty obvious, heh.
I can't even continue because I get so worked up writing about this stuff my brain just becomes mush and I can't form complete thoughts...
trent reznor,
amy winehouse,
youth shooting,