(no subject)

Apr 13, 2009 14:54

So, for those of you who know nothing about House of Leaves, I've collected some links so you know WTF is going on, as well as some fun stuff.

All of the below contains spoilers. Reader beware.

(Mostly) Serious Business

Introductions and Overviews

House of Leaves on Wikipedia - the bare-bones factual stuff, basically just information about the book.
House of Leaves on TVTropes - the much more entertaining TVTropes entry, which gives a really excellent plot summary and of course tropes. WARNING: YOU WILL NEVER HAVE FREE TIME AGAIN.
Exploration Z - a bunch of random stuff, including:
The Idiot's Guide to House of Leaves
The House of Leaves Forums - contains information, some of which is useful.

Critical Analysis and Essays

I've used most of these in my critical analysis of House of Leaves (Yes, I'm doing a critical analysis; it is my senior thesis.)

Blueprint(s): Rubric for a Deconstructed Age in House of Leaves by Martin Brick - an excellent analysis of the textual layout of House of Leaves, Brick brings up the idea that Danielewski drew on medieval manuscripts for inspiration, a hypothisis I have confirmed through reading interviews with Danielewski and close readings of the text. Note that Brick, unfortunately, was only using the old two-color (blue) edition of the text, which sadly did not have any of the red struck passages, meaning that his analysis is somewhat lacking in this regard. Still, he brings up a number of excellent points.
Exploration # 6: The Uncanny in Mark Z. Danielewski's "House of Leaves" by Nele Bemong - A piece of psychoanalytic criticism analyzing the idea of the uncanny in House of Leaves, particularly as it relates to Karen and Navidson. I am not usually a fan of Freudian interpretations of any kind, but since Danielewski himself cites the uncanny in his book I think this article is valid. It drops the ball near the end, however.

Stuff For the Lulz

Mmmm, Pancakes
Delightful Reading!

And then there's this journal's counterpart, labyrinthbook. Not that there's anything there.


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