May 26, 2004 17:10
Where oh where could my little kitty be??? I cant find my cat anywhere! She has been missing since Saturday night. :( :( ::Tears:: Im sooo sad! Had 6th period for 10 mins. on Monday. Then had to stick around till 330 for a meeting. So Brittany,Melissa, and I walked to Jays market. I got this brownie/cookie/m&ms/icecream but it cost 2 whole freakin bucks...what I rip off. Not worth is..but I ate it Then Brittany let me have some of her chips before the meeting..cause I didnt have lunch. Angela called me before the meeting to tell me to go out of the class and look for Linz. hehe didnt find her but i did get an awesome hug. Ü ::sMiLeS:: Kanan didnt go to 1st on I walked alone to 2nd. O well, hopefully Kanan and I will chill this weekend. (No skool on Mon...yes!) Steph and Mel came and said hi to me on stuff. Saw Bri's Prom pictures..very pretty. I hope to go to a dance next year...kinda sad I didnt go this least to Sadies. Why do people pretend to be your friend but then turn around and talk shit or stab you in the back?? Well, I dont think anyone should have to deal with that sh! im not going to either. If you want to talk sh!t then dont try to be my friend the min. before or after. And remember..even if your my friend..doesnt mean ill tell you everything. What happens with me and anyone else is no one else's bussiness or concern accept for whoever it is and me. Just respect that concept...because you know you dont want anyone in your bussiness either. Havent had too much hw lately..but the projects are sure rolling in. :( Fone doesnt seem to be ringing much anymore... :x Thanx for the ride home...i live sooo far away from you lol. Got some good news today! Im getting my braces off in July!!! Hellz yeah! 2 Months..whoohoo. PaRtY!