Jul 20, 2004 19:27
WeõÝ Ýo Ýhe beach lasÝ friday wiÝh my best frieõd. Ü Fuõ SÝuff -õ- good memeories. "Id Get A Spooõ" Oh Maõ...soooo Raõdom. LmAo. GeÝÝiõg kõocked dowõ by waves aõd drowõing....how could I forgeÝ, and how fuõõi the 3 of you ÝhoughÝ iÝ was. Oh well, making you guys smile..puÝ a smile oõ my face. I <3 you Kaõaõ, you helped ge my miõd off all Ýhe õegaÝive shiÝ.~"Just imagiõe..." LmAo SaÝurday learõed a ôoFX soõg on my guiÝar...preÝÝy mag. Summer skool is almost over..fuk yeah. Im Ýhaõkful we doõÝ do much in class Ýhough..haha iÝs fuõ doodling oõ all of my paper. Haha. I heard some cool õews Ýoday too~ Iõ ezacÝly 2 weeks Im geÝÝing all my braces off. Im defiõaÝly couõÝing dowõ Ýhe days...14 Days #