Aug 24, 2005 15:09
HAHA, just kidding. I had the mellowist birthday of all time yesterday. It was nice though. A lot of people called me and that was "flippin sweet" I got DVD's for my birthday.
1. Sex and the City season 1
2. The Doors (Val Kilmer)
3. A lot like love
4. Willy Wonka and the Chocoalte Factory (Gene Wilder NOT Johnny Depp)
5. Boondock Saints (NOT A QUINTIN MOVIE)
6. Pulp Fiction (A QUINTIN MOVIE)
7. Breakfast at Tiffanys (Audrey Hepburn)
That's it! Oh and 100 bucks from my grandparetns, which I got to spend getting my computer out of COMPUSA! Those bastards! Then from Stacy, I got a cool shirt! Maroon w/ Willy Wonka on it! *smile* I'm a big Willy Wonka fan incase you missed it! Anyway, I went home after school yesterday and ate spagettie with my family and then watched a movie and did homework! "H.C.F.L" I'm 19! Score!