May 12, 2004 13:46
As an aside, I love all you moral relativists. You make my job so much easier.
So, just what are good and evil? Tricks of perception? Irresistible forces? Completely imaginary concepts? No. Don't let anyone fool you. They exist and He has very precise definitions of each. Of course, most of the time, He doesn't deign to enlighten us lesser beings--did you notice how Jesus totally avoided actually answering the question? He's a great PR man, that one.
But Jesus had a point, he simply neglected to follow things through to their logical conclusions. "There is no Heaven without Hell." True. Without something to compare it to, how would you know Hell was so bad? The grass is always greener, but what if there were no other grass?
"[Good and evil] are bound so tightly together.." Also true. Two sides of the same coin. So obvious, it's banal. But it's a double-headed coin--both sides show His Face. Without evil, there is no use for good. No use for faith. He created Evil to keep Himself in a job. Lucifer was made to Fall. You were made to sin. We're all just pawns in His eternal power-driven ego trip. Think about that the next time you cry out for His mercy.