Oct 17, 2005 17:54
Kevin not doing to hot. In the past month, I've been dumped twice from relationships that were purely physical, shot down three times, and got the most famous line "aww, i think of you as a friend, but not that way" that one i got twice as well. is this karma? is this God telling me im a fucking tard and i should stop? or am i just that unlucky? this is why im sitting in the dark listening to Tom Petty bitch about his crappy life. the song is titled "you dont know how it feels to be me" you think it fits? well yeah...dont know what to do now. actually thats a lie, i do know what im going to do know. im going to do the same thing ive been doing all year and hell probably get shot down some more but what the hell. In my journey through high school wemen, a couple things seem so fucking rediculous, like whats with the chicks that like pot smokers or emo kids when them, themselves arn't any of those brands? or, ha you got to love this one, what is with the chicks that only start liking a guy for the chase? once the guy starts to like the guy, they "get over it". WHAT THE FUCK!? the guy gets nothing. virtually no chance. mother fucking rediculous. this is why i say AHHHHHHHHH!!! so yeah thats it.