I love you in the evening and underneath the moon!

May 26, 2004 02:27

How the heck did this song get in my head? Weird. I've already decided my kids are going to learn this and the little hand movements that go with it, lmao. It's just so cute! ...Skinna marinky doo... I love you! Ooh! Boom boompy doo! Oh my God. What is wrong with me, lmfao.

I was just at breny.com looking at the rest of her pictures of JC at the Pittsburgh meet and greet. Lord. If he rocked the hat/white beater/jeans ensemble every day for the rest of his life I wouldn't object. Well -- provided he washed them all regularly. Bwah haha.

Took this from Karrie ;)
1. What was the last song you heard?
Hey Mama - Black Eyed Peas. La la la la la...

2. What were the last two movies you saw?
Hmm... I hardly ever go anymore, let me think. Oh! Mean Girls and um... damn... Elf? Shit, has it been that long?!

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
Tony/Joe tickets, CFTC tickets, Jason Mraz tickets. What do I wish I would have purchased? Some new clothes and some books. But now those'll have to wait! What I do for my boys, I swear... ;)

4. What four things do you need to do this week?
Laundry, mail some letters I've been forgetting about, buy some new mascara and put together a list of addresses for my cousin.

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
My grandparents, Tanya, my Mom, my aunt.

6.If you had the chance to meet someone you've never met, from the past or present, who would it be?
I kind of want to say my dad. But that would probably change a lot about my life that I've learned to be happy with, so I'll say, um... John Mayer. It could go one of two ways -- we'd either get along really easily and have fun talking, or I'd be completely intimidated by his intelligence and quick wit and end up not saying much of anything at all. Hmm!

7.If you had to live in a different century, past or future, which would it be?
I'd probably pick the 50's... the kind of days where little stuff like holding hands was really valued and sweet. Maybe I'd fit in better there?

8. If you had to move anywhere else on Earth, where would it be?
If I had to? Um... gosh. Brazil? I really have no idea. I haven't been to enough places where I could make a decision like that, hehe.

9. If you had to be a fictional character, who would it be?
Well if we're going for someone totally opposite of me, then Annie Anderson in How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days. That character had an effortless way of making everyone around her feel completely at ease, and that's a quality I wish I had. If I wanted to pick someone closer to me I'd say Felicity, hehe. She and I overanalyze a lot, but it's how we learn to understand our place in the world.

10. If you had to live with having someone else's face as your own for the rest of your life, whose would it be?
Mmm..... probably..... Katie Holmes. She's beautiful but not in the intimidating kind of way.

11. Lying down on the couch, or stretching out on a recliner?
Couch! I'd rather lie (lay? I always forget) on my side then on my back. It's hard to do that in a recliner.

12. Going barefoot or wearing soft slippers?
Slippers... I have a hard time going barefoot, it's a weird thing I have... I don't like how it feels. When I was a kid, I wouldn't take off my socks and shoes all day until I got changed for bed. I bet I would've slept in them if I'd been allowed to, hehe.

13. Eating ice cream, or pizza?
That's hard, but pizza! Ice cream I only get cravings for every so often, but pizza I want alllll the time, lol.

14. Watching on TV... a classic movie or a reality show?
Classic movie like the really old ones? In that case, reality show. I can't think of any classic movies I like, but I've only seen a handful of them.

15. Wearing: blue jeans or sweat pants?
Blue jeans are hung off her hips... ;)

16. A long, soothing bubble bath or a quick, invigorating shower?
Quick, invigorating shower. I do prefer lonnng showers, but I'd take a short one over a bubble bath. That's more of a mood thing. When I think of baths I will always be reminded of that line Chandler said about stewing in your own filth. lmao.

17. Furniture: leather, or something more on the fuzzy side?
Fuzzy. Leather's alright, but I like it better if it's got a covering on it -- which really kind of defeats the purpose of having leather in the first place, lol.

18. Soft, classical music, or upbeat rock & roll?
Rock and roll! It's the adrenaline that makes you wanna have sex. You get a cookie if you know who said that -- and I gather most of you do, lmao.

19. Darkness or light?
Darkness. I believe in a thing called called love... oh, wait.

20. What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have?
Surf. My uncle and cousin always try to get me out there. But you can't be scared of wiping out, and I so am.

21. When someone asks your opinion about a new haircut/outfit/etc, are you always honest?
Well, no one really ever asks. But if it was horrid, I still wouldn't know quite how to tell them -- they say it's best to be honest but if I think it'll hurt their feelings, I'll sugar-coat it. I'm just not good at being blunt. I want to be nice.

22. Have you ever found out something about a friend and then wished you hadn't? What happened?
I don't wish I'd never found out, but I inadvertantly came across something someone said about me that told me a lot about how they see me and what they thought being friends with me might get them. The dumb thing was I have no connections whatsoever so I have no idea why they would even think such a thing, but because of that I always kept myself at arms length from that person. I could never bring myself to fully trust them. In a perfect world I'd like to trust everyone, but you just can't.

23. If you could live in any fictional world (from a book/movie/game/etc.) which would it be and why?
Gosh, I have no idea. Absolutely none!

24. What's one talent/skill you don't have but always wanted?
I wish I could paint. Granted, my attempts have only consisted of watercolors on paper, but it'd be so wonderful if I could be really good at being creative on a canvas. Sometimes I look at paintings and wonder where on earth the artist got the idea for it. I love the symbolism that can be found in art, but personally I don't possess the kind of outlook and thought it takes to develop something so meaningful.

25. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
Not that I can think of... a character an actor plays can definitely make them more likeable though!

Dang... I kind of wish there were more questions, now what am I gonna do? lol.

Hey, remember this thing? Slogan Generator I still find it as entertaining as I did the first time I messed around with it.

It really should. Hahahahahhaha.

My parents went to Ensenada last weekend, and my Mom was telling me how they were driving past this theater or something and on the marquee it said 'Tonight: J.C. Chavez'. Took her a minute to think about it, but soon she realized, "Oh, it's a boxing match!" lmao. She goes, "I knew he couldn't be there, you would've said something!" She's so silly sometimes. That reminds me, last year -- er -- no, the year before that, we all went down to Vegas for the BMAs, but she and my aunt decided to just cruise around the hotels during the show. But when they found out it was over they went and hung around outside the arena to try and find us coming out, but instead saw Justin and Chris, and they still talk about it like it just happened, hehe. They're dorks!

I watched Idol... I thought Diana had it in the bag until her last song. It was like she choked or something. I've liked her since the preliminaries (is that what they call it?) but last night I think Fantasia came out on top. I may not be at all fond of her voice, but I have to say, she sang better and probably deserves to walk away with the title. I think that Diana's last performance is a good indicator of how she might buckle under pressure. When you're singing live for a show, you're going to get a bit nervous, but you've got to block it out of your mind the way any good performer does. I thought she did great up until tonight, but unfortunately this night was crucial, and I think she knew that but it freaked her out a bit once she realized she only had one last chance. I think she'll get better with practice though, she's still so young. It'll be interesting to see who wins...

And now, bedtime! See you guys -- happy Wednesday ;)
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