every one else did it and i am bored

Oct 30, 2004 01:11

* Full name: alyson danielle hess
* Birthday: 7-9-1985
* Eyes: poo brown
* Hair: brownish blonde
* Height: 5'3"
* Shoe Size: 7
* Who lives with you: laura and sometimes kenny
* When is your bedtime?: when i am tired or there is nothing else to do

------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------

* Flown on a plane: yes
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: nope
* Missed school because it was raining: there was that one time in jr high when flooding killed the power to my school
* Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: si
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: probably
* Had a crush on a friends girlfriend/boyfriend: i don't believe so
* Been hurt emotionally: duh
* Had an imaginary friend: i still do
* Pierced a body part yourself: nope
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: gambit
* Been on stage: yes
* Cut your hair: yes
* Ever have a crush on a teacher? *sigh* mr. ruff
* Fav Color: pink
* Day/Night: both
* Summer/Winter: summer
* Lace or Satin: neither
* Cartoon Character: murphy murph, rest his soul
* Fave Food: right now, mushrooms and garlic
* Fave Drink: vanilla coke
* Person/persons talking to online: none
* Fave sport: college football * Fave Car: honda accord

-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------

* Wearing: black tank top, brown sweatshirt, and maroon corderoys
* Eating: nada
* Drinking: cream soda (it's kinda gross)
* Thinkin bout: "i hate that certain people only talk to me when they want something, like for me to send them movies"
* Listening to: m5

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------

* Cried: yes
* Worn jeans: yes
* Met someone New online: no
* Done laundry: yesp
* Drove a car: yep
* Talked on the phone: si
* Kissed someone: si
* Said "I love you": yeppers

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------

* Yourself: no
* Your friends: sometimes
* Santa Clause: i want to
* Tooth Fairy: i've seen her
* Destiny/Fate: kinda
* Angels: no
* Ghosts: i want to
* UFO's: kinda
* God: sometimes

-------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

* Do you ever wish you had another name? often
* Do you like anyone? what kind of stupid question is that?
* Which one of your friends acts the most like you? right now, courtney
* Who have you known the longest of your friends: either laura, jessica, or natalie
* Who's the loudest: ryan, when he says "alyson"
* Who's the shyest: courtney
* Are you close to any family members?: my sister
* Who's the weirdest?: courtney
* Who do you hang out with the most? kinda got ditched... but courtney
* What time is it now? 1.02 am

-----------HAVE YOU EVER--------------

*Kissed your cousin: don't have any
*Ran away: yes
*Tried to commit suicide: yes
*skipped school: yes
*Broken someone's heart: i try not to
*Been in love: yes
*Cried when someone died: yes
*Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yep
*Done something embarrassing: who hasn't
*Slapped Somebody: yeppers
*Cried in school: yeah

-----------WHICH IS BETTER----------------

*Coke or Pepsi: coke
*Sprite or 7UP: 7up
*Math or English: math
*Tall or Short: short for me, tall for others
*Pants or Shorts: pants
*Night or Day: both

---------THE LAST TIME YOU...--------------

*Showered: today
*Stepped outside: about 5 hours ago
*Kissed somebody: earlier today


*Your Good Luck Charm: it's not so much a gl charm, but my princess necklace
*Person You Hate Most: a boy... with hair
*The latest thing that happened: played with hotglue
*On your desk: candy, my fork sculpture, pictures, flowers, and a bunch of junk
*Picture on your desktop: it's a plant montage
*Color: green
*Movie: resident evil: apocolypse
*Artist: m5
*Cars: honda accord
*Ice Cream: one sweet whirled
*Season: summer
*Breakfast Food: cereal
*Makes you laugh the most: colin
*Makes you smile: colin and courtney and the dingdingding car
*Can make you feel better no matter what: the dingdingding car and colin
*Has A Crush On You: no one
*Do You Have A Crush On Someone: si
*Who Has it easier? Girls or Guys?: guys

----------DO YOU EVER...--------------

*Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: yep
*Save MSN conversations: logs
*Save E-mails: yeah
*Forward secret E-mails: meow?
*Wish you were someone else: oftne
*Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: nope
*Wear cologne: perfume?
*Kiss: yep
*Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: i'm always only

---------------HAVE YOU EVER--------------

*Fallen for your best friend?: he is my best friend
*Kissed two people in the same day? yep
*Been rejected?: yep
*Been in love?: yep
*Been in lust?: kinda repeatative
*Used someone?: no
*Been used?: yes
*Been kissed?: yes
*Done something you regret?: all the time

--------WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON..----------

*You talked to?: courtney
*You hugged?: ryan
*You instant messaged?: josh, but he wasn't paying attention
*You Kissed?: courtney
*You thought about? colin :(
*Who text messaged you?: colin is the only one that tm's me

----------DO YOU..-----------

*Color your hair? i use to
*Have tattoos?: not yet
*Have piercings?: two in each ear so far
*Own a webcam?: si
*Own a thong?: i bought more today
*Ever get off the damn computer?: quite often

----------HAVE YOU / DO YOU / ARE YOU...-------------

*Stolen anything?: yes
*Smoke?: no
*Schizophrenic?: yes
*Depressed? yes
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