So I returned a call yesterday
from Shaturday... & it was to inform me that
my great aunt's funeral was to take place on
Munday. I feel pretty shitty about missing that,
but it's also the 2nd family member in about a
month. Another great aunt. I'm not stuporlicious
but it come's in threes &
I don't want to embrace that old wife...
or her tale.
Had to repierce my tongue
& after a drop of sweat & a lot of pushing,
I made it!
go icepick go
I like to play pool, again,
not that I ever stopped.
I would like to invent Pool Pool.
It'd be easy... floating baskets
fo pockets & the billiards would be,
you know, beach balls painted accordingly.
Don't know about the poo'stick yet...
Fist? A rather firm water noodle.
Recipe for Pixie Snicks=
Unwrap a Snickers Bar;
Warm until a trifle gooey;
Sprinkle on Pixie Stix
innards to taste;
Click to view
I've always had a soft spot for
the TransFormers, but...
would I call myself a "TransFan?"
Who would do that? On purpose...
Speaking of ol hunks of metal,
this is a Yazoo mower:
It weighs probably 75lbs or something...
& add pushing that bastad on acreage!
Antiques are alright, mowing's fine,
but this just ain't the way!
Fry Yer I:
Camel Confidential sent me the following.
Dear Michael,
Right now, there is an effort underway by some politicians in Washington, D.C., to increase the federal excise tax on cigarettes by up to 61 cents per pack.
That would be a 156% tax increase!
Added to the current excise tax rate of 39 cents per pack, the federal excise tax on cigarettes could soar to $1.00 per pack, or $10.00 per carton!'s a link to an 866#/more info
so's you can 'urge yer local congress'
outta that short dress...
Well, hell.
I wanna hang out with you.
//slimes of a feather grime together//