Hi I'm Michael Lee! I know you hate a little bit of the Bush Administration taking the USA to war with Iraq, the Patriot Act, and many of other things with his administration. I agree with two things that make me sick of the Bush Administration is the Patriot Act, why? Cuase the FBI can take our imformation about us from our houses and the library. The Patriot Act is taking our freedom away in America. President Bush is allowing Illegales to come in America to work. I think is wrong what the President is doing to this country. There are about 10 millions Illegales in America working and we, Americans have to pay our tax money to them...that's the second prolbem with President Bush that I with him.
I agree with you on all, but the Recesstion in the year 2000 with Clinton's final year in Office. the second line saying First president in US history to enter office with a criminal record, ok I get it! But Is There any President in History enter office with a criminal record? Just search for youself any president with a criminal record? I do the same thing too.
YOU STOLE FROM PUNKVOTER.COM!!!!! rock the fuck on, dude. love ya. not really kate indie sux hardline sux emo sux you suck.... those were the good ole days!
speak. english. i understand whatcha saying, but talk normal... the sentance would be "i know of 2 other presidents with a criminal record- Nixon and Clinton." there ya go. is it really that hard?
"There are about 10 millions Illegales in America working and we, Americans have to pay our tax money to them...that's the second prolbem with President Bush that I with him."
see, i beg to differ. just because a person wasnt born of a stupid peice od grass doesnt mean he doesnt have the same rights i have. that man can come here, get a job, and i wouldnt care... i mean, id perfer to have the job only based on the sensability that i need a fucking job. now to say a person can not come here for whatever reason they want, is going WAAAY against what america was founded on. the piece of land i live on is no better than the peice of land the dude in canada or mexico lives on. in my opinion. kate
I was talking about the Illegales who are coming from Mexico into America. I am not talking about the land of Mexico or Canada. Another subject is about Illegales who are coming from Mexico into America, who can be criminals, rapists, and sexual predators just to harm every Americans like you and me will not be kickout of this country. But, the real subject is we, the people have to pay taxes for these illegales who are in our country right now. I don't want to pay in the next ten years, my tax dollars to 25 million illegales, who are from Mexico.
so tell me...how many illegal mexican immigrants do you actually know? I live in arizona. And I can tell you from PERSONAL experience... most of these illegal immigrants are not criminals, rapists, or sexual predators trying to 'harm every American like you and me'. I can't even begin to tell you how depressing it is to read the paper every day, and see another story about someone dying in the desert, while trying to cross the border. They come here in search of a job (which typically comes closer to slave labor than being considered a job), so they can send money home to support their families still living in Mexico. These people don't even make close to minimum wage; the work they do is off the books because they are not legally allowed to work in this country
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Listen We went to war cause of Humanitariam Issues that United Nations didn't take care of. The WMD issues was bullshit, but a great Hollywood stunt. We got Saddam as a P.O.W. in his country! We're not the world police for every countries in the world, I agree on. Hey, We have to pay for this war..so just deal with it, and live with it too! I'm sorry but that's the sad truth for us!
"Listen We went to war cause of Humanitariam Issues that United Nations didn't take care of. "
hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! we went to war for OIL!!!!!!!!!! go learn something then maybe you can talk.... but as of now... shut the hell up. shit. i need to do some HW for ISS or else im gonna fail..... peace, yo. kate
get off the oil bandwagon, please....I hear about two million about the oil ok! The US went to war over a Humanitariam issue, that my point and sticking to it.
I empathize with the immigrant plight. My concern is with protect the citizens here. Making sure everything is fair for everyone. I'm sorry that I have a offended you, but this is my two cents.
indie sux hardline sux emo sux you suck.... those were the good ole days!
see, i beg to differ. just because a person wasnt born of a stupid peice od grass doesnt mean he doesnt have the same rights i have. that man can come here, get a job, and i wouldnt care... i mean, id perfer to have the job only based on the sensability that i need a fucking job. now to say a person can not come here for whatever reason they want, is going WAAAY against what america was founded on. the piece of land i live on is no better than the peice of land the dude in canada or mexico lives on. in my opinion.
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hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! we went to war for OIL!!!!!!!!!! go learn something then maybe you can talk.... but as of now... shut the hell up. shit. i need to do some HW for ISS or else im gonna fail..... peace, yo.
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