Title: Mr. Albert The Stuffed Turtle-Panda!
fuckedupfangirlRating: PG-13
Gerard/Frank/Mikey(Oh, thats right, I went there!:P)[I have no imagination what so ever]
POV: Third. I think.
Summary: A bunch of friends get together just to catch up and something very unusual happens!
Disclaimer: Really really not real!
Author Notes: It was 4 a.m. when I started this, please remember that! I had just read a fic about Pete Wentz getting alien pregnant and this happened.... Inspiration comes from aformentioned fic and a movie called Village Of The Damned and The Sims 2!
A zillion thanks(and hugs and cookies) to Claire! For looking this over, convincing me to post it, and introducing me to Australian radio(My new obbsession!)
There is laughter, a room full of it. With hugs and friendly kisses all around. And the couples that arrived together and the friends that have spent too much time apart. But they're together now. All together. And laughing. And they all missed this. Missed each other. Missed the room full of laughter. And then there is only darkness.
Brendon blinks and slowly sits up. He's lying on the ground and he can't remember how he got there. He looks around and notices that everyone else seems to be doing the same thing he is. Everyone is slowly waking up and everyone looks confused. The last thing Brendon remembers is standing with Ryan talking to William and Travis. Will and Travis just got engaged and Ryan had been asking about wedding dates. Then he was here, on the floor, waking up. Brendon looks around him. William is sitting up a few feet away from him, but Travis isn't next to him and Ryan isn't by Brendon. Brendon looks around the room. Jon is sitting up across the room and Andy too. Gerard and Mikey are both looking dazed just a few feet away from Jon and Andy. There are a lot of people missing, Brendon realizes as he scans the room slowly. Everyone else is looking around now too. Brandon 's gaze finally makes its way to the door and he jumps up. All the others that had been waking up having the same reaction. The missing members of their group were all standing there by the door. Ryan, Travis, Joe, Pete, Patrick, Spencer and Frank all standing there staring straight ahead with blank looks on their faces.
"Ryan!" Brendon says and something changes in them all. They all blink and then look around themselves. After a few moments, Ryan gasps and runs to Brendon and starts crying into his chest. Pete and Patrick turn and look at each other with matching expressions of shock and fear on their faces. Spencer sinks down to his knees and starts crying too. Jon rushes forward making soothing noises and asking Spencer what's wrong, while gently rubbing his boyfriends back. Frank looks back and forth between Gerard and Mikey and opens and closes his mouth. Pure shock evident on his face.
"Oh, Fuck No." Travis says.
"This can't be real." Joe says.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" Gerard says loudly. Ryan and Spencer cry harder and Pete and Patrick turn to look at him. Frank closes his mouth and his eyes go wide. Travis and Joe just look at each other.
"S-Should we just tell them?" Spencer looks up and says tearfully from the floor.
"They're not going to believe us." Ryan chokes out.
"Who would? I don't believe us!" Joe says.
"They're going to have to find out sooner or later." Pete says softly, wrapping his arms around Patrick's waist and kissing his cheek. Patrick nods.
"I am so confused right now…" William says.
"So am I!" Andy, Mikey, Brendon and Gerard chorus. Jon's still making soothing noises at Spencer, but looks up and nods. Suddenly Ryan, Travis, Joe, Spencer, Pete and Patrick all look at Frank. Franks mouth drops open. They all nod at him. Then they all look at Patrick. They're gazes all shift one more time to Travis.
"Well, FUCK!" Travis says loudly.
"Oh my God." Ryan whispers and buries his face in Brendons shoulder.
"Ryan, what is going on?"
"Should I just not try to even figure this out anymore…?" William finally says slowly. Travis goes to William and wraps his arms around him.
"I'm sorry baby…" Joe, Frank, Spencer and Ryan's heads all snap up and they look at Travis. Travis jumps and looks around.
"What'd I do?!" Travis says. Andy throws his hands up in the air.
"Joe, will you please tell me what's going on?!"
"Well…. Um…" Patrick and Pete both look at Joe. Ryan and Travis look at each other and then detangle from their partners to go stand with Joe, Pete, Patrick and Frank. Spencer pecks Jon's cheek and stands and joins them too. They all look around at each other for a minute then they're all looking at Pete, who grins. Patrick rolls his eyes at him. Pete takes a deep breath getting the attention of everyone in the room.
"Well! We're all… pregnant!" There was a loud echoing silence. Pete kept talking. "You guys were put into a sub-conscious state and we were all abducted by aliens and now we're all pregnant and we can read each others minds." He declared. Brendon blinked and looked over at William who looked like he was about to explode with laughter. Then he looked to the Way brothers. Gerard looked thoughtful and Mikey was eyeing the huddled group with skepticism. And then Andy. Andy was staring hard at Pete; he had a concentrated look like he was trying to decide if the shape was a square or a rectangle. Jon's expression matched Mikeys, extremely skeptical.
"Abducted by aliens… Pregnant… and you can read each others minds…?" Brendon started to giggle a little. "You guys are joking right?" Brendon asked. They all just looked at him. There was a long silence.
"Prove it." Mikey said finally. They all looked around at each other.
"How?" Mikey licked his lips.
"Frankie, come here." Frank walked over to Mikey. Mikey whispered into Frank's ear.
"OH, come on. I don't want to know that!" Travis said. "I actually have respect for Gerard, you know!"
"I think it's cute!" Ryan said and smiled at Gerard.
"Me too!" Spencer said.
"What? Michael, what are you saying about me?!" Frank turned and grinned. Patrick started laughing.
"Don't worry Gerard. Mikey was just telling us about Mr. Albert the stuffed turtle! But… Mikey was lying…"
"Cause Mr. Albert's a panda." Spencer finished. Mikey's mouth fell open.
"Holy shit guys. They were abducted by aliens and now they're pregnant and can read each others minds!" Mikey yelled.
"And I'm having twins!" Pete announced happily. Everyone groaned.
"Oh, God! Just what we need. Two little Pete's running around!"
Three days later and all the pregnant people's stomachs were huge! They only stopped eating for a few hours here and there to sleep and then they were right back to eating. They had all moved into a large hotel room so that the non-pregnant people wouldn't go insane by being sent out at three in the morning to find god only knows what. This way the pregnant people could all be happy and together around one big table full of food and the non-pregnant people could help each other take care of the pregnant ones.
"Brendon, Ryan would like a double decker peanut butter, honey and mustard sandwich." Frank said. Brendon grimaced.
"Why doesn't Ryan ask for one himself?"
"Because his mouth is full." Patrick said distractedly as he ripped a marshmallow in half, stuck three potato chips between the sticky white bits of fluff and then popped it in his mouth like there never was anything better.
"William, can Travis have some more chocolate milk, please?" Joe asked between bites.
"Okay, guys. How long is this gonna last?" Gerard said with his hands on his hips. Suddenly Pete gasped.
"We don't have any lemon chicken with mint jelly sauce!" Pete said looking on the verge of tears. Gerard threw his hands in the air.
"I'll call room service." The pregnant people all started slowing down and looking around at each other. They slowly all wiped their hands and mouths and stood up. They each waddled to a random spot in the room and then stood very still. The non-pregnant people watched with wide eyes, not sure what was going on. All at once the pregnant people started to spin very fast. So fast that they were just blurs. As suddenly as they started they stopped and in there arms they each had a little baby. Except for Pete who had two.
Three and a half hours later all the new little babies had names. They had all sat down and poured over the baby name book together until they were all happy. There were three baby girls in the group and the parents of the little girls all decide to name their little princesses after Disney princesses. So the girls where:
Belle Shannon Ross-Urie
Aurora Blake McCoy-Beckett (Soon to be just McCoy)
Jasmine Violet Iero-Way
Andy and Joe named their little boy Leo Gabriel. And Jon and Spencer named theirs Aiden Riley. Pete and Patrick named their three little bundles of joy,
Parker Ross Wentz-Stump
Philip Beckett Wentz-Stump
Phoenix Walker Wentz-Stump
And all the little half alien babies and all their proud daddies all lived happily ever after!