(no subject)

May 15, 2006 05:16

If I asked everyone on my LJ list to email me a recording of them saying "moo" would you do it? I was thinking of splicing them all together and making a ringtone for myself..

Listening to The Bends for the first time in what seems like years.. And I guess it must be at least a year since I last listened to it.
Very strange.. it reminds me of years ago.. 95/96. Listening to it back then.. For the longest time this album was the soundtrack of my life. It's nice to know I still like it, even after all these years.

Today our new fridge-freezer comes. YAY! I'm overly excited about this. No more bending down to get the milk!
I'm also hoping that my new ubercool horatio-caine sunglasses come to today. And yes, I am that shallow.

I want a new LJ icon. I'm thinking something to do with cows. (duh!)

I love the "new" LJ Autosave feature. It asked I wanted to recover my last entry, not remembering what I wrote, I clicked okay, and got this:


Now I can't stop wondering what I was going to write about..

If you're bored, and want to pass a little time, you should try Stickscene
people have drawn scenes or poster from films, and you have to guess which film. It entertained Leen and myself for a while the other day. It's constantly being updated, too, it seems.

I guess I should get off to bed now.
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