Feb 08, 2006 04:49
So my sister got rushed into hospital on sunday, but we weren't told because Andy (her husband) couldn't find our number in their phone. She went back home yesterday, and phoned Leen to tell her everything.
But she's okay now, apparently, so crisis narrowly averted.
I have mixed feelings on this.. worry, anger, and guilt, too. The fact that we missed the event completely leaves me feeling like a bunch of emotions that should have been released never got the chance, and now they're kinda sitting there feeling redundant, shuffling their feet and trying to to look each other in the eye. Like a group of people turning up for a party, and then realising they were never actually invited in the first place.
I have a cough that's trying to tear through my chest. Though it's getting better. If an alien bursts out of my rib-cage I'll be sure to mention it in my next entry.
I discovered that Grandaddy released an album last october. Why do you people not tell me these things? Do you think I'm pyskick? (if you've seen Phoenix Nights, you'll get the mis-spelling. If not, tough.)
I mean, really, it's been long enough for one of you to mention it.
I've guiltily downloaded it (I can't afford it, but I'll buy it after the holiday, I promise. And maybe if I had been made aware when it came out, I could have afforded it. So, as a matter of fact, the entire illigal music problem is YOUR fault. You just think about that for a while.) And it's good. Short, but nicely Grandaddy-like. Although not as laid back as their usual stuff, it's funny in places.
One of my friends at work, Danny, told me he went to Andy (my boss, not my sisters husband) and has told him he's fed up of the job. And he mentioned to me that he's been thinking of leaving. This upset me a little, Danny is my best friend at work. And the place just wouldn't be the same without him. He also mentioned that pretty much the only person he'd miss is me. Which didn't help matters. It also made me realise that When it comes to moving to Belgium, leaving my job will be one of the hardest parts.. My family I know I'll see again, and probably fairly regularly.. But you can't choose your workmates, and seriously doubt I'll ever work in a place with this kind of atmosphere again. And it'll be difficult to get back to see them.