I'm just sorta chillin. Very pleased with the weather lately, except now of course its freezing out :( I think the nice weather has just sortof put everyone in better moods, everyone just feels like being nice and friendly. Including myself. I'm very excited for vacation and to just spend time with people. If you want to hang out, I'll be glad to hang out with you. I am not doing a whole lot except hanging out with my friends, and getting some ass (not!, seeing as I am successfully on an asexual streak). Speaking of ass, on Friday, me, senan and possibly gabe are going to the WINSOR HOEDOWN. I am very excited about this you see. It shall be a grand time, and a grand way to start off the vacation. I am thinking about attending Converge : / we'll see. Also, another show that I'm pretty excited about is Q and Not U on the 29th at the ICC. You all should come. Right now, I am completely procrastinating about doing my homework. We have a late start tomorrow which I'm pretty pleased with. I have a few pictures to
MUCH gay lovin.
MUCH sleepovers with this cutie. hahahah. She is ridiculously high in the second picture. We went into the woods and smoked because we missed the bus. It was pretty ridiculous and lovely. lovelovelove.
Mike in my clothes, including my Xiu Xiu shirt. (might I mention this was when we were supposed to be studying for a History Test.)
Afternoons in Starbucks.
this is known as FRIDGECORE.
sex faces are mmm mmm good.