(no subject)

Mar 01, 2005 10:56

so its a SNOW DAY!
yay. i mean im kindof sick of winter. but i really needed the sleep.
so heres some

hahaha. ok. yeah.

♪ Name: Sarah Browm
♪ Middle Name: Jannings
♪ DOB: May 14, 1990
♪ Age: 14
♪ Location: Brookline, MA
♪ Eye Color: blue, green, yellow, grey
♪ Hair Color: light brown with blonde highlights
♪ Hair Length: about at my shoulders
♪ Height: 5'7''
♪ Shoe Size: 8
♪ Glasses or Contacts: i wish
♪ Braces: No
♪ Single or Taken: SINGLE BEBIZ.
♪ Bad Habits: eating....
♪ Fears: heights, spiders, loneliness, time, boredom.
♪ Screenname: leftoverlunchbox

:: School ::
♪ Where do you go to school: Brookline Highschool
♪ What's your school mascot: a warrior??? hahahha
♪ What's your school colors: apparently theyre blue and red according to rachel. honestly wouldnt really know.
♪ What's your favorite subject: english. cos i have the illin class.
♪ Who's your favorite teacher: mr grande, my history teacher.
♪ What do they teach: HISTORY.
♪ Who sits next to you in Math class: mike, and this other kid named mike hahahha. and one of the mikes, being mike sandmel and i are getting split up. apparently we talk too much : /

:: Love life ::
♪ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
♪ If so, what's there name: no
♪ If so, how long have you been together: no.
♪ Do you have a crush: yeah a couple i guess
♪ Do they know: no i dont think so.
♪ Have you ever broken someone's heart: apparently i have. but it was COMPLETELY unintentional.

:: Favorites ::
♪ Animal: kitty cats
♪ Color: red
♪ Person: wat a difficult question... i have no idea. actually at the moment its miyazaki
♪ Subject: english
♪ Season: spring and fall
♪ Holiday: christmas
♪ Hobby: drawing
♪ Sport: YOGA. w00t.
♪ Feeling: content or silly or sexual hahahha.
♪ Saying: WERD.

♪ Word: crusty and moist. mahahha.
♪ Month: may
♪ Clothing: hello kitty clothing. esp hello kitty thongs. those are the bestest.
♪ Jewelry: earrings, necklaces.
♪ Food: i can never answer this question. i honestly dont know. there are so many good foods.
♪ Snack: chex mix is good.

:: Favorites ::
♪ Best: senan
♪ Daringest: oliver
♪ Funniest: oh jesus, everyone is funny in their own way.
♪ Tallest: po wins again.
♪ Shortest: RACHEL!
♪ Loudest: oliver
♪ Shyest: rachel, i love her.
♪ Smartest: mike
♪ Blondest: ME.
♪ Craziest: prolly my NEW friend, LINDSEY.
♪ Nicest: all mah friends are nice.
♪ Sweetest: andrew trovato
♪ Weirdest: i honestly think im the weirdest....
♪ Flirtiest: MIKE SANDMEL.

*please take note that these are not all my friends. just what popped into mah head first. hahhaa.

:: Have you ever ::
♪ Had a wish come true: yeah it was ill.
♪ Had a dream come true: yeah its kinda weird when that happens. i always predict things in my dreams.
♪ Broken a body part: no
♪ Falling in love: no
♪ Done something you regret: yeah
♪ Tripped and fell in public: i HATE when that happens.
♪ Sang in public: well yes. but i mean it was just a spur of the moment sing a long thing.
♪ Cryed in public: yeah. but i wish i hadnt.
♪ Kissed someone besides family: hahha. of course.
♪ Been in a car crash: no

:: The Last ::
♪ Thing you did before getting on the computer: drove over from my dads house.
♪ Person you yelled at: my dad prolly.
♪ Person you hugged: mike sandmel
♪ Person you IMed: oliver
♪ Time you cleaned yer room: this morning
♪ Song you listend to: tainted love by new order.
♪ TV show you watched: i dont watch tv. for serious. i dont.
♪ Movie you watched: found videos at midnite on saturday.
♪ Time you went to the movies: saturday.
♪ Time you cryed: i think at the oscars. haha. i watched tom hanks speech. and it made me tear.
♪ Took a shower: last night.

:: This or That ::
♪ Coke or Pepsi: diet Coke
♪ Tall or short: well im tall....
♪ Flowers or Candy: candy and flowers.
♪ Math or English: im better at math prolly. but i like english better.
♪ Blink 182 or Sugarcult: UP THE PUNX!!!
♪ Mickey or Minnie: minnie mosdef.
♪ Middle School or Highschool: high school no question.
♪ Boyfriend or Girlfriend: boyfriend
♪ Single or Taken: i dont know. they both have their advantages. probably taken though.

:: Word Assocation ::
♪ Bead: works
♪ Bed: sleep
♪ Sexy: vibrator hahaha
♪ Phone: ear
♪ Tough: bull, taurus like me.
♪ Neato: um. no.
♪ Leather: pleather
♪ Weird: mua.
♪ So: easy.
♪ Easy: hard
♪ Test: testicles
♪ Nerd: cool glasses.
♪ Falling: up
♪ Air: force ones
♪ Hot: armpits.

:: Random ::
♪ Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: every nite. unless i forget whitie.
♪ Do you like snowballs: no
♪ Are you in school: yep
♪ Do you like to swim: sometimes.
♪ Are you funny: not really.
♪ What do you think of water: i like it.
♪ Are you blonde at heart: no.
♪ Have you ever been to Maryland: no.
♪ Have you seen "Chasing Liberty": haha. MY FAVES MOVIE EVER.
♪ Are you happy this survey is over: kinda.
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