Jan 28, 2005 13:40
I had a dream I went to my friend Ben's house which was on Omicron Seti III and his house was a lounge for all the miscreants of the galaxy. On this particular day though, the ambassador of Pergnak decided to have his daughter's birthday party there. I met her and fell in love with her even though her species has webbed appendages. It made holding her hand a bit difficult though. Halfway through the party the romulans crashed on the surface in a decoy enterprise and they jumped out and started shooting with their phasers. The crew of the NX-01 Enterprise was there but the Romulans had some sort of nano suits on that made it difficult for the Enterprise's crew's phasers to stun them so the Enterprise crew was eventually taken over and rounded up. The Romulans came to steal valuable ores used in weapon making from Ben's house and when they transported an explosive on their ship without knowing it Trip Tucker found a way to detonate it remotely from the surface and we all got away and all the Romulans died.
I was reading that Star Trek book I just bought right before I went to bed.