You know you want it....In yo Butt!... Bitch what!?

May 22, 2005 22:21

I need to stop acting black. I came to the conclusion that i am white, it took much time and effort to finally realize it buttt...Yess, you heard it first...I Jessica ________ Davis. Am a fucking cracker!!!!!!!

It's quite dissapointing, i know. Buttttt, anyways. Next subject. haha.

So this weekend definatly sucked my ass hole. Friday, i got off the bus at Mallory's stop with her and crystal. And then we went to Mallorys and hung out for a while until about 430 when we had to leave because her mom was coming home. So me and her walked our asses up to the park where we ran into Kayce and Chris Chupack. It was fabulous!!!!!! because i missed kayce like a fat kid misses sweets on a diet. hahaha...Or something like that??? So, we all hung out for about an hour or something like that??? Then we went to mallorys for a little while and watched TV.

Later on Me and Mallory were really bored so we called Lizz and Klee to entertain us because they always do such a fabulous job at it^_^!. We hung out with them for a while, and waited for my mom to bring us PIZZAAAAAA!!!!!! It was delicious, the "cheese" hit the spot....HAHAHAHAHAHA. Okay, so no one knows what i talking about. but whatever.

Ummm, then we hung out??? and i went home??? yeah, thats where i end this entry due to lack of memory skills.

Then saturday i woke up at like.....1 or so?? I was supposed to go to Crystal's house BUTTTTTTTTTTTT i ended up cancelling on her again because my mom decided to be a cunt. She said that i am not allowed to leave the house with my friends because my grades are so horrible. I failed every class ANDDDDDD i have 7.5 credits toward my graduation and in order to graduate i need 23. Thats horrible


SOOOO, i started crying because i was so fucking dissapointed in myself it was really disgusting. I wanted to "hang out" with people sooo badd it was unbelieveable. So, i stayed in the house for most of the day while my mom and brother went out and had fun. I was just crying and being all emo and miserable. Whatever. later that night we went and saw House of wax  it was better than i expected it to be. Then we came home and i sat on the computer with nothing to do. Lol

Went to sleep. Woke up Sunday we went and got coffee and then went shopping and to the movies again to see crash it was such a good movie. I cryed my eyes out it was so sad and emotional. I would recommend it to EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!

I loved it...Amazing. Yup.

Soo, over all my weekend pretty much sucked and the rest of my life will too until i can do something about my grades. I've fucked myself over sooooo bad right now. Its horrible. I'm disgusted with myself. I want to just....remove myself from this planet and come back when i'm damn well good and ready! Lol


I hope you all had a fabulous weekend...

I'll be back eventually....^_^!

<33333333 Forever and beyond...

<3 Jess.

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