Dec 06, 2005 18:14
Ok. After settling some issues with some people, and getting on some friendly terms. I have decided to explain things about the pictures that were shown to you. So here goes.
On thanksgiving morning I had three dogs break into my rabbitry, and killed ten of my rabbits. One was a pet I had rescued. Eight were of my beloved standard chins(One was one that placed at nationals. And another was shown at nationals). And one was my favorite florida white breeding/show buck. They didnt get my BOB winner. But alot of my best show stock. Now before you judge I just want to clarify that I did love those rabbits they killed. They were bunnies I had specifically selected to hold back and work with as breeding and show stock. So yes there was some emotional attachment there.
what you saw in those pictures was my garage after the dogs totally trashed it. They got into my new bail of wood shavings, and demolished that. They knocked over the cages to get at the rabbits inside them. they pulled out the plastic I had placed under the shelf(not work They demolished some dropping pans and bent up a newer cage as they killed them. As it is, I am still cleaning that up. Though it is almost finished.
Those pictures were on my account for a reason. Those three dogs did get away. I did see them. So I can ID them if I can catch them. I had those pictures stored away to show the police if they ever find the dogs or the owners. If you look closely at those pictures, you will see opened cage doors, hair from the dead rabbits, damaged dropping pans, and literally shit everywhere.
So thanks for being quick to judge before you even knew of the situation. Because my garage did not look like that prior to that. And really the only cage that was too surdy for them to destroy was the wooden one pictured in darksongs snark cards. Now if it was a crappy cage, it would not have stood up to that. ;) They did try and get the rabbits in that. They pulled out all the dropping pans. And one of my bunnies has a nice healed over incisor mark on her butt from them trying to bite her through the cage wire.
They almost killed this same rabbits mother. See the double stacked hutch pen in the background on the one picture? She was in the bottom of that with the florida buck they had killed. She is very lucky to be alive and unharmed. When I found her, she was hiding in behind the milk crates next to the cages.
As for the six hole cage you see on the wooden frame, they actually managed to rip the doors open to the pull the rabbits out of it. In doing so they knocked down oneof the legs. The center.
i wasn't going to say anything publicly about it because I didnt want it going to the spo communities. But somebody(I know who you are. And its not saigh, or blaidd) took advantage of that and decided to go share my pictures with everyone without my permission, and without knowing the situation. So I just want to say thanks.
All i did thanksgiving was cancel all my dinner plans and cry. And then had to dispose of the mangled bodies of my rabbits. Basically the inside of my building looked like a massacre when they got done. I had rabbits that were eaten. Rabbits dead in the cages that were missing legs. And even one I had to have my neighbors cut out of a cage for me.
But all that aside, I have talked with saigh today. It looks like we've kinda made up for wrong doings in the past in a way? And we are on friendly terms right now. So no more fighting for now.
So as a sugestion, maybe it might be a good idea for a couple other people to do so as well. I will be on aim later tonight. My im thing is on my user info.