(no subject)

Mar 09, 2005 04:36

Well, I am sitting over at Markers house. Of course as you can see by the time it is 4:37 in the morning. I'm stranded here. My car finaly took its last beating yesterday on the way up here. The freezer plug blew and the engine will hold no water in the radiator or the engine block. So it will cost my dad a little over $100.00 to get it towed and a little around $100.00 to fix it. I just hope we can get a new car. I want something more reliable. I need something to where if I tell Marker that I'm coming to see her then she can be assured that I will actually make it instead of worryin bout me being stranded somewhere like I was today. I was stuck up at the BP across from ASAI on 521 for 4 hours. Just sitting there, until Markers sisters boyfriend/babies daddy person came to get me so I wouldnt be stranded here. then by the time I called my dad it was too late and he didnt really want to come get me so Marker asked her mom if I could stay the night, and she said yeah as long as I dont fart, scratch or, talk or w/e that makes noise lol. So me and my baby are playing the hell out of some Resident Evil: Code Veronica X. And I have had a very happy day today even though it seemed as though I wasnt that happy to her. I hate the way I get but I try my best to make her know that I am happy around her. Like right now I know I prolly have this sad ass look on my face and she is prolly looking over my shoulder at some point reading what I am saying but oh well she will read it sooner or later. I just dont know what to do about it all, the bipolar takes over and I get depressed. I'm sorry baby. And her keyboard is being gay on Livejournal it makes some of the starts of sentances not capitalized and doesnt space sometimes and leaves out letters and I have to go back and proofread. Its kinda amusing. I guess I aint getting that job at Family Dollar, but hopefully I will get the one at Goodys cause yeah they said that they were hiring like a mother fucker so yeah I should go try out them and hopefully I can go get a job there and Marker is trying to do something to me, she is licking my ear help me! ahhhh, she knows thats a turn on and she continues to do it. And now she is moving to my neck an it is making my penis do things that it, wait, now she just hung her boob in my face and I bit her nipple. It was yummy. Haha, she is prolly just doing that because I was typing all fast and the keys sounded like machine guns going off in WWII haha, so then she tried to distract me with her skill of being like, "Oh look, its my boob" but it didnt work cause I am still typing ha! But hell I should prolly end this soon because I am ready to go make love to her. I love making love to my baby.

Ok, on other notes. Umm, I guess I got kinda bah today. Umm, well besides the fact that I was stranded at the fucking BP, other things, other issues that arose here at her house bothered me but I dont think I have said anything to her bout it but then I dont intend to because I am tired of letting shit out and I just need to keep some things to myself, that is how I always get into trouble is letting shit out that has been bothering me or that does bother me and let her know what it is. She will think that she has done something wrong and then get mad or depressed thinking she has pissed me off when it is some sort of fucking plague running in my head stopping me from being happy sometimes damn I just typed that shit fast. Ok

Gotta slow down now.

Actually I am going to go now so yeah must go smoke

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