where fear is present, wisdom cannot be

Jul 28, 2009 11:51

ive been in chciago a week now. i can see not a lot has changed much. its summer so the overall feel of the city is different. peoples attitudes are better and more people are down to hang out. amazing what a little sun does for the human mind.

im keeping myself busy working as a barback on weekends at a french resturant on Damen called DuChamp. my week is filled with insane amounts of running and then the usual drinking in the evening.

i spent 106 bucks at trader joes last night. im gonna be festing like a king for the next week. im so happy to see all this delicious food in the fridge. these kids here never keep food in their house. if you know me, i gotta eat or i get crabby.

today im going for another run by the lake. then i might go swim. all of this alone of course cuz i dont have any active friends. all my friends here are like hipster drunkies. which isnt a bad thing. i love my friends here. but all they wanna do is listen to music and drink. which is what i wanna do as well but a little stimulation of the heart rate never hurts. thats why i love my friends in georgia. seems we are always doin different shit on the weekends and i can hang out with them on the weekdays.

like i said i have been running like a mad man. last week i ran 18 miles. yesterday i ran 12 miles. today im gonna d oa 6 mile run. im getting the runners high all the time but the morning after my legs are killing me. i mean every joint, muscle, tendon, ligament, and bone from foot to quad hurts so bad. its that good sore hurt but its tough to battle through it to keep running. im running 4 days in a row because im building stamina for the army. cuz they are not going to give me days off when im sore or take it easy on me. so i gotta make sure im preparing my body to be in top physical condition. im strickly running right now. just burning off all the fat and flushing out all the toxins. and trainning the legs. when i go home in nov before basic im going to turn on the gym like all hell. every day im gonna be in there pumpin iron hard, running and swimming hard. crunches and all. im excited about that routine. i miss my muscle mass.

aight im gonna grab a cup of coffee and eat a little breakfast. im thinking eggs, spinach, mushrooms, turkey, a banana, and some whole what toast.

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