Sep 18, 2006 20:49

Blahh, okay seriously, decesions are SO hard to make ! I dont know whether or not to continue playing softball. I mean its fine and everything, but I just want some free time, I didnt think that it would be this much. I wish I knew if Siena had a club or not cause then I'd just do that. Its such a big decesion though, I mean I dont think I can go back and tryout for this team if I let go of it now. I dont know what to do, does anyone have any advice ??? Other than that, Siena isnt that bad, I mean its alright. I did good in my History class, I cant believe that I actually participated, I felt so smart. Hehehe. Yeah, I really can't wait until Friday when I get to see Charlie, I swear everytime I see him, I just light up and my life is so much better =D I'm really thirsty right now, I had a chocolate milk and a pink sobe today it made me even more thirsty....so yea as you can tell I am basically procrastinating right now. I have lifting at 7:15 in the morniing tomorrow, should be fun....ehhhhh. Then we have practice at 2:45. Should be even more fun. It's hard doing all that softball stuff and staying on top of all my work. My moms advice is to stick it our for a year, but I dont even know if I want to do that. I really want to like run for a long time....and just like, run. For a lot of miles....just keep running. I dont know if that will  keep me in hape though, I really need to work on my abs too. Okay, well I am going to get dressed. Blahhh. ADVICE PEOPLE !!!
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