Mar 26, 2006 00:17

*full name- Shane Coleman Sebastian Pais
*single or taken- Taken
*sex- Femalian
*birthday- 7-12-88
*sign- cancer
*hair color- Brunette
*eye color- Brown
*height- 5 4
*are you straight/bisexual/gay?: Straight

• • F A S H I O N | S T U F F • •! <3
*where is your favourite place to shop for clothes: Anywhere I can get T-shirts
*favorite designer?: Uhhhh .... what?
*what is your most comfortable outfit? sweatpants + a t-shirt
*what do you usually wear?: see above

• • S P E C I F I C S • •!<3
*what kind of shampoo do you use?: usually Pert Plus
*what are you listening to right now: BOOTY BOOTY BOOTY BOOTY ROCK N/ EVERYWHERE!
*who is the last person that called you?: Mom
*how many buddies are online right now?: like 74
*what would you change about yourself?: My legs....blahhhhh

• • F A V O R I T E S • •! <3
*foods: Chinese!!!!
*boy name: HMM, seriously, I want two boys + their names will be Jack + Peter
*girl name: uhh I don't really want girls but, I like Mary.
*subjects in school: Euro
*animal: Egret

• • H A V E | Y O U | E V E R • •! <3
*given anyone a bath?: Um, no.
*bungee jumped?: Yes.
*made yourself throw up?: No, and even if I did why would I say that here?
*ever been in love?: Yes :D
*made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: When I was little. I was THE WORST.
*cried when someone died?: yess
*lied: Yeah.
*fallen for your best friend?: Not really.
*rejected someone?: No. Not directly.
*used someone?: Never.
*done something you regret?: Yeah :(

• • C U R R E N T • •! <3
*clothes: Jeans, socks, t-shirt, sweatshirt
*music: Ms. New Booty!
*annoyance: There is something in my teeth.
*smell: Um, French Vanilla
*cd in player: Fall Out Boy
*desktop picture: Mike Furman + Danny D. arm wrestling with Nick, Pete + Chazzaroni watching.
*thing to do tonite: I think I've done everything tonight, nothing left to do but sleep.

• • L A S T | P E R S O N • •!<3
*you touched: Charlie.
*hugged: Charlie.
*you IMed: Dan.
*you yelled at: Uhhh I don't know.

• • A R E | Y O U • •! <3
*understanding: At times.
*open-minded: At times.
*insecure: OOO yeah.
*hungry: All the time!!
*smart: Not so much.
*moody: Yeah.
*hard working: yes
*organized: Yeah.
*healthy: I guess.
*shy: Definately
*difficult: at timess
*attractive: I don't know.
*bored easily: No.
*angry: Um, sometimes.
*sad: a little sometimes
*happy: yeaa
*hyper: Usually not, unless I have candy.
*trusting: yah.. until sumone dos sumthing to make me not trust them

• • W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R • •! <3
*coke or pepsi: Pepsi
*flowers or candy: flowers are so sweet!!
*tall or short: Doesn't matter

• • W H O • •!<3
**makes you laugh the most: Wow, definately Charlie or Nick Mascia or Luke.
**makes you smile: Many people.
**gives you that funny feeling when you see him/her: Charlie...duh.

• • D O | Y O U | E V E R •!<3
*sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to IM you: Not really.
*wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Haha I HAVE wondered what its like.
*wish you were younger: No, I love the age I am right now. I don't want to be 16 and I don't want to be 18.
*cried because someone said something to you?: YES! It fucking hurt.

Soooo, tonight was amazing and I loooooved it :D. I am very happy right now. So I'll go backwards through the week I guess then. Today I woke up at 9:30-ish + I was really tired because I took NYQuill the night before hoping to get a good nights sleep. (Didn't work out too well) But anyways, I got in the shower and got dressed for softball practice and I was putting on my socks when I heard my mom talking about me on the phone to someone. She was like "Yeah, she's trying to decide whether to go to South Carolina or Moravian...bascially whether to play ball or not. She just needs to let go of the ball, and I know that if she goes to South Carolina she'll be happy there. I know that she'll be happy whereever she goes." So, thats one thing that made me happy about this day. I left for practice and got there with Kristen behind me. I think that almost all the sports teams had practice that morning, cause when I went to park there were like no spots. I saw track peoples cars, baseball, + lax. It was crazy. So, I went inside and started talking to Kristen and Dan almost threw a ball at my head, I think he still had sand in his vagina at this point cause he didn't look like he was in a good mood again. I wish he was happy...blahhh. Anyways, then I saw Charlie and he told me that he'd call me later and kissed me good bye :D Then we practiced and I pitched and I did really well! Well, I thought I did. When balls don't go flying over the catchers head, I'd say that I was throwing well. We did a little bit of infield, and we did alright. There is definately room for improvement there. So, after practice I drove home and took a shower and ate some cereal and got dressed and called Charlie and he came over and we watched some TV + some of the NCAA tournament. LSU was playing a team, I forget who it was though. Then he met my Dad haha finally. I think they did OK. It was funny, cause my Dad is so weird sometimes. Actually, I'm tired now, so I am gonna go to bed, so maybe I'll finish this you see how impatient I am. I can't even sit down and write this haha...leave some loving :)
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