Karu-Sil has been playing this game for hours. No, weeks. She shows herself to Guy Gardner, and he pursues her. She pursues him as he pursues her. The game is circuitous, and sometimes cuts out for days at a time as they rest and go about their lives. But it's there, in the backs of their minds. The primal acknowledgment that they are both hunter and hunted, waiting for the time to kill the other. What's going to happen on this cold night is just the culmination of their efforts. The spiral is finally tightening.
She showed herself to him at the end of his patrol, when he'd be weaker. As he landed, he saw her face peering out from the shadows, with just enough of her mangled face visible to tell him that she was there. She vanished as soon as he saw her. It was just the gunshot; the starting pistol. And they're off.
She runs down one side street, empty because of the blizzard, and phases into another across the street as he chases her. He curses and takes flight, and plows into one of her parents, who is down the road and across the street from where Karu-Sil is actually hiding. She is herding him. He goes where she wants him to, or else he loses his quarry. Sometimes they switch back and forth, but she doesn't intend to let him lead her anywhere.
She looks at the deep shadow hanging underneath a fire escape; that will do. She crouches behind a dumpster, right next to more darkness, and waits. He saw her come here. He knows. And so does she.