Dec 07, 2009 15:57
I don't exactly claim to be Sherlock Holmes, but I've been wandering around this dump for about a week and somethings bugging me.
Where the heck are all the bodies?
This place was wiped out right? Shouldn't there be, you know, skeletons and stuff? The whole place is just empty.
I mean, if you all got them cleared out, gave 'em a proper burial and stuff, great. But I'm kinda doubting it.
So what gives?
Oh yeah, I need to talk to a doctor to get this damn electric potato chip out of me.
First mistletoe, now potatoes. Can't they use something cool to block my powers for once? This is lame [grumblegrumble]
where the skeletons at?,
adventuring is routine for yuri,
observant harmonixer is observant,
yuri's braining today,
fuck mistletoe,
i am using teh thinking gud