Technology is not my friend.

May 14, 2010 22:53

As soon as I'd sorted out my electric kettle, the computer fell over, causing me to burst into tears and retire to make lots of tea, but I managed to fix it by the simple strategy of getting my brother over and pointing him at it. I'm still not entirely sure what was wrong with it (probably a virus), but it seems to be ok now.

Not much happening this week, apart from that, and some sort of cold or hay-fever, that left me feeling very sniffly and tired for a couple of days. Much better now (fingers crossed).

Anyway, I'm now looking forward to seeing pondhopper and Manolo (and idahoswede if her ankle is better) at the V&A on Sunday, and doing a lot of tidying up tomorrow.

Meanwhile, here is a nice picture of some trees in Paris - lots of streets were lined with paulownia (foxglove) trees, in bloom. I've not seen them often in England, except as small shrubs grown for foliage, but the climate seems a bit softer in Paris. The flowers, which are a lot like foxgloves, but a paler mauve, come out before the leaves.

trees, technology

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