(no subject)

Mar 10, 2010 02:35

Busier and happier this week, maybe because the sun has been shining. Although temperatures are definitely up on January, the spring cold somehow seems more penetrating than winter cold, and my hands have been very dry and cold, so that I had to unearth my hot-wax treatment device for them. Otherwise, I've been reasonably busy, and successfully forcing myself out of bed at a sensible hour in the morning, so that I can actually Get Stuff Done. Today, I even bought a long-needed new vacuum cleaner, and lugged it home on my shopping trolley. It's sitting on the sofa, and every so often I can turn round and admire it, although I haven't actually tried using it yet.

However, I seem to have pulled a muscle or something in my side (possibly not unrelated to the trolley-lugging this morning, and it hurts like hell unless I am sitting or standing in a very limited range of positions, which does not include lying down, so I suspect sleep is out tonight. Which is why I am sitting up here in the tiny hours of the morning, with a hot-water bottle clamped under one arm, waiting for the pain-killers to take effect. I was so worried by this that I actually rang the NHS direct helpline, where a very helpful nurse reassured me that it was only a muscle strain, and suggested the hot-water bottle. This is most annoying - I won't be able to try out my lovely new hoover tomorrow at this rate. Damn.

nhs direct, muscle strain, health

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