Feb 12, 2009 22:25
By about nine last night I'd begun feeling a little nauseous, and by ten I was being spectacularly sick all over the place. This carried on all night, and lingered on for most of today. I spent most of today sleeping, creeping feebly around the house accompanied by my faithful bucket and trying to rehydrate myself. Plain yoghurt, 7-Up and dry cream crackers. Great.
I either got it from yesterday's egg mayo sandwich at lunch or, more worryingly, from my hospital visit on Tuesday. They hadstations all round the place dispensing hand sanitizer, and warning about the dreaded Winter Vomiting Virus, Intellingently, I used the stuff on my way in, but forgot about it on the way out. Now I'm worried that if I do make it in to work tomorrow, everyone else will have been felled by the same bug and it will be all my fault.