Getting better

Jul 21, 2008 21:59

Improvement continues; yesterday's achievements were a shower and walking down a flight of stairs using my feet alternately, rather than always going down on the right (good) foot. Much more than they sound, especially the shower. I had been washing at the sink in the bathroom and in bowls (what my mother used to describe as washing "up as far as possible, then down as far as possible, then washing your possibles"), but it is nice to be clean all over at once. I'm also going to try and get a load of washing down to the laundrette.

Tomorrow I have my six-week appointment at the hospital, after which, I hope, I will have no more excuses for not getting a proper job. Ulp!

Meanwhile, here is an over-reacting potto (I think); this just makes me smile for no particular reason.

image Click to view

washing, over-reaction, stairs, hip replacement

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