Back again, and upgraded!

Jun 20, 2008 18:11

Hallo, folks. I'm finally back, and feeling pretty good. I actually got out of hospital yesterday afternoon, but I've been sleeping most of today, delighted to be back in

The operation apparently went well, and I'm already pretty mobile. I did ask one of the registrars what sort of hip I had, but he gave me a long string of technical terms that I didn't quite catch, although it did involve the phrase "metal on metal bearings", so I feel justified in using my cyberman icon. Apparently on the evening after my operation I texted every number on my phone with an interesting message telling them that "I have plenty of morphine and inflatable boots", but apart from that I behaved myself. The hospital was mostly excellent - I was in a room on my own for the first night, then in a ward with only three other beds, one of them empty. The two other patients were a lovely woman who had the same op as me, and who was visited by her devoted husband every day ("first time we've been apart in 63 years") and the Patient From Hell, a monster of whining selfishness who I think might have been a training exercise designed to bring nurses to breaking point. The nurses all passed with flying colours and patiently refrained from strangling her even a bit(although once I could get out of the bed on my own I did think about it). We were later joined by a woman who had fallen on the last day of her holiday in China and been flown home after two weeks of Chinese hospital food. I had many visitors, not a great deal of pain and even the food was edible. I ought to thank everyone here for all their good wishes, and Jade for posting while I was away.

Now all I have to do is sit around, building up the sock monkey empire. The main problem, I suspect, will be the temptation to overdo it too early, since I am already more mobile than I was before the operation, despite needing a pair of crutches. I was in noticeably less pain almost immediately afterwards.

recovery, hospital, hip replacement

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