May 21, 2008 20:35
I finally managed to get to Ikea today, rather than Monday, which meant I had to go on my own. My hip was especially stiff on Monday and yesterday, and the walking about seems to have helped it a good deal, although it also set off the knee. I was fairly successful, got most of the stuff I wanted, and I'm not too worried about having to go again next week, if I have to. I'm very pleased with the trellis, especially (and with the Ikea cake, hem-hem). So far, some peppers and aubergines have been set out. I think I'll leave them indoors, for the moment, since the blasted weather is so changeable, and its rather windy, but the tomatoes will go out at the weekend, if I get the trellis up in time. It should look really nice, and I might get a few of the matching pot trellises for the morning-glories.
the hip