The weekend was very quiet indeed, as I tried to regain leg function and figure out where to start on that blasted sock monkey before the g-d returns from Wales and claims it, since I had assured her that it would be ready by (last) Friday. I spent most of Saturday in bed, with a brief sortie out for newspapers and library books, and Sunday was much the same, although I did manage to construct a rabbit stew and make a start on the dreadful monkey-thing. I got the body and legs finished, and it's sitting on the bookshelf across the room as I write this, looking indescribably obscene, since it now consists of a fat rainbow-hued cylinder with spindly legs. Just be grateful I still can't find the camera widget, or you'd all be exposed to a photograph of it and scarred for life.
The best and most interesting thing to happen today, so far, is that I've reached my target weight! Yay! That means I've lost 2 stone (28 lb) or nearly 13 kilos! The Incentive Trousers are quite baggy on me, and sometime I will sort out my old summer clothes and see if I can fit comfortably into any of them now. At this rate, I can get my dress size down to one that will allow me to buy dresses in nice shops again.
Incidentally, after seeing the terracotta warriors show on Friday, I was interested by the
BBC radio programme on Sunday featuring poems inspired by the sculptures. It's on Listen Again, and some of the poems are on the webpage, too.