I think you're kind of perpetuating this more than necessary.. If you believe that "it's over and none of us want anything to do with you, so pardon my French when I say:GO AWAY." then you shouldn't be doing this. I couldn't say it better, that talking shit in order to cover up talking shit doesn't equal fixing your own mistakes. I guess you also /lied/ to me when you said you would stop all this and move on because you were the bigger person, right? If she's a bad person, other people will find out on their own. Don't be the third party messenger because then things get twisted and lost everytime you retell a story. I've acted that way about many of my friends when I needed to make light of a poor situation or needed some insight and I wasn't about to be serious about it. Does that make me as bad a person or worse as her? No, I don't think so. But I guess I also don't think she's a bad person, rather that you're just overreacting and trying to constantly justify it by ratting her out to everyone you can think of. I think out of all of this, that's the most dispicable. The only reason this is unfixable is because you made it like that by doing all this.. and maybe that was your intent, but that doesn't excuse the foul strench its created unnecessarily.
neither you or mariah are being heroes by spreading shit about each other. i know "lol none of your business omg shut up" but honestly if you don't think they're worth the trouble then just leave them alone.
sorry to jump in like this, because i love you both, but really. i hardly sign into this journal anymore because all i see is bitching. first boyfriends, then tara, now each other, w/e you'll be friends again in a month.
No, they WON'T find out on their own, because so far I've almost lost about five friends due to her going to them and telling them shit that wasn't true, including you. I read that huge post you made about me a week or two ago and I got the same reaction from several other mutual friends. So how can I possibly prove that she's lying if I don't SHOW them myself? I couldn't care less if she talks shit about me, but this isn't nearly over until she stops trying to sabotage my relationships with people who mean something to me. If she cared about these people, she wouldn't be trying to put them in the middle of something that's between her and I. I haven't said a single word of this to ANYONE unless they came to me first due to bullshit Mariah fed to them, because it's completely unfair to make those people choose between us, and it's not about who can make more people turn against the other person. I'm sitting here trying to fix friendships that were good before this fight because she's trying to justify and cover up her own actions by ratting ME out to everyone, not the other way around. So, again: when she stops trying to get one last hit in by trying to "get me back" in the only way she can, then I'll stop having to prove to those people that I'm not a liar and a backstabber.
..Just remember that if it was meant to be an eye for an eye, the world would be blind.
She has not retaliated against you besides when you've given her reason to do so by picking at her and belittling her infront of everyone. Not only do you have to do it to her face, but you do it with a public audience and I'm sure nothing feels as bad as that. Why is it so hard for you to be the 'bigger person' and just walk away? You already made your point and you're being a complete hypocrite when you say that she's the one ruining friendships for you, when you're doing it to your own friends aka me. She hasn't said one stitch more about this bs heap and the only thing I hear about is you still going and talking to people unnecessarily. You found out somehow on your own so it's not impossible. People just forgive and forget; something perhaps you need to look into.
The only reason I've confronted you about any of this is because I really did fear for her safety during the 4chan nonsense, and while I do believe that you would claim to feel nothing if something happened to her, that's not the case with me. That's just past the point of ridiculous, and I would have known for a fact that if you weren't acting like a typical catty female who's beyond upset with her best friend and going around telling people all the wrong doings she's ever done without any of the good, it would have never happened to her. So while you didn't directly do it or instigate it, you were directly involved and there's no one else to hold accountable except yourself. She didn't do anything like that to cause you real physical harm, never the less your family, so what you've started is really unrealistic and I hope you come to realize that.
You're much older than her so don't act on the same level or less than her. Just because she's done something wrong that you have a problem getting over doesn't mean it needs to be painted everywhere across everyone's storybooks. Your chapter != everyone else's. This whole issue has gone past what was due, so do your part and just move on.
That's not true at ALL. Just yesterday, THREE different people added me on MSN to bitch at me over shit Mariah told them, people I don't even know. You're one of about a dozen different people we BOTH know who have come to me asking why I fucked Mariah over in the first place, when the whole thing started because we found out that she'd been lying to us and telling people private things we'd told her. I didn't even KNOW Brea until she added me on MSN to ask me about Mariah, and I certainly didn't start the conversation with her. I'm not talking to anyone unnecessarily: if you don't believe me, go ask Mariah why she's getting all these people to add me on MSN, because I don't even know who they are, and it certainly doesn't involve any of them. I didn't have anything to do with the whole 4chan fiasco (and you're about the fourth person I've told this to, including Brea), so I'm not going to feel guilty over something I had no control over, especially since she's done the same to me and other people before as well. I didn't TELL them to post her shit on 4chan, and they're doing it because what they've found out about her, not what I told them or told them to do. This journal entry is private and meant only for my LJ friends, so if she goes out of her way to read it and gets upset at what she finds, that's her problem, and it's exactly the same if she sends someone to come bitch and me and then I tell that person she was lying to THEM, too. I'm not going to brood over her being upset when she's the one going to those people and getting them involved in the first place, not me. None of those people even HAD to be involved, but she went and dragged them into it. tbh I wouldn't have even told you this if she didn't tell you first and I was forced to defend myself, because it's stupid to drag all of our mutual friends into the crossfire when they didn't ask to be involved.
.. She didn't tell me anything originally. I saw your post first and then I asked her because she was conveniently on, and then I had asked you wtf was going on. I thought what I originally thought because of what I read from your journal. So really, don't pin that on her. I just wish you would leave it. Obviously if someone would be attacking you and saying things about you, you would want to say something back. That's what she's doing if what you claim is true. I went through the same thing with Mike until I just let it go and that's the only time when things resolved. It didn't make me feel better to tell people about what a shit person he was, or the crap he pulled, even though that is obvious without my help. It came from just being the bigger person.
I don't want to talk shit about her, I just want it to be over. But at the same time, I'm not going to sit here and let her ruin shit with people I care about, because they're coming to me and accusing me of doing shit, and I don't want to lose them as friends. You see what I'm saying? Yeah, maybe I could have done without the LJ post, but as a rule I post when things are pissing me off, and I certainly didn't do it to spite her or piss her off, because it was privated for EXACTLY that reason - so she couldn't read about it and make a huge deal over it. When you say that a person would want to say things about you after they were attacked, that's exactly what I'M doing - you seem to think that I started all of this, but it's the other way around. I didn't tell anyone to 4chan her and the person who actually did it wasn't even told the whole story by me. So, no, I wasn't responsible for it at all. If it's anyone's fault, it's Mariah's, because she let to her OWN 4channing, and a lot more people than you know about are pissed off at her.
I guess you also /lied/ to me when you said you would stop all this and move on because you were the bigger person, right?
If she's a bad person, other people will find out on their own. Don't be the third party messenger because then things get twisted and lost everytime you retell a story. I've acted that way about many of my friends when I needed to make light of a poor situation or needed some insight and I wasn't about to be serious about it. Does that make me as bad a person or worse as her? No, I don't think so. But I guess I also don't think she's a bad person, rather that you're just overreacting and trying to constantly justify it by ratting her out to everyone you can think of. I think out of all of this, that's the most dispicable. The only reason this is unfixable is because you made it like that by doing all this.. and maybe that was your intent, but that doesn't excuse the foul strench its created unnecessarily.
but people like to talk shit, so.
neither you or mariah are being heroes by spreading shit about each other. i know "lol none of your business omg shut up" but honestly if you don't think they're worth the trouble then just leave them alone.
sorry to jump in like this, because i love you both, but really. i hardly sign into this journal anymore because all i see is bitching. first boyfriends, then tara, now each other, w/e you'll be friends again in a month.
She has not retaliated against you besides when you've given her reason to do so by picking at her and belittling her infront of everyone. Not only do you have to do it to her face, but you do it with a public audience and I'm sure nothing feels as bad as that. Why is it so hard for you to be the 'bigger person' and just walk away? You already made your point and you're being a complete hypocrite when you say that she's the one ruining friendships for you, when you're doing it to your own friends aka me. She hasn't said one stitch more about this bs heap and the only thing I hear about is you still going and talking to people unnecessarily. You found out somehow on your own so it's not impossible. People just forgive and forget; something perhaps you need to look into.
The only reason I've confronted you about any of this is because I really did fear for her safety during the 4chan nonsense, and while I do believe that you would claim to feel nothing if something happened to her, that's not the case with me. That's just past the point of ridiculous, and I would have known for a fact that if you weren't acting like a typical catty female who's beyond upset with her best friend and going around telling people all the wrong doings she's ever done without any of the good, it would have never happened to her. So while you didn't directly do it or instigate it, you were directly involved and there's no one else to hold accountable except yourself. She didn't do anything like that to cause you real physical harm, never the less your family, so what you've started is really unrealistic and I hope you come to realize that.
You're much older than her so don't act on the same level or less than her. Just because she's done something wrong that you have a problem getting over doesn't mean it needs to be painted everywhere across everyone's storybooks. Your chapter != everyone else's. This whole issue has gone past what was due, so do your part and just move on.
I just wish you would leave it. Obviously if someone would be attacking you and saying things about you, you would want to say something back. That's what she's doing if what you claim is true. I went through the same thing with Mike until I just let it go and that's the only time when things resolved. It didn't make me feel better to tell people about what a shit person he was, or the crap he pulled, even though that is obvious without my help. It came from just being the bigger person.
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