The Mike Saga, Part I

May 25, 2009 12:57

I think so far today has been pretty eventful in terms of the illumination of certain people and situations, and just generally getting everyone out in the air for everyone to see what actually went down. Of course, I'm talking about Mike, because who else do we have this level of drama with? No one.

Early in the morning, Mike's (ex)friend Amanda added me on MSN and we got to talking. I really like her, actually. She loves animals just like I do, and she's just a really sweet and honest person who I can see is honest-to-God deeply hurt and affected by the thought of a close previous friend taking these actions against her and her boyfriend for his own benefit. idk. She's just a genuine and nice person, and easy to talk to. You don't have to force the conversation to happen. ANYWAY, moving on. So we got to talking and she showed me a pretty interesting conversation that she had with Mike. It was fairly long, so I guess I'll just address the finer points, hopefully to put this to rest once and for all. We can all part with a clear conscience once all the bullshit is resolved (I hope. But I'm not ambitious enough to expect that any more catty journal entries will be made about me/us).

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:16 AM):



I'm a piss-poor liar.

This isn't relevant at all, but I lol'd anyway.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:26 AM):

Obviously my concerns aren't over the texts but lack there of.

You've been ignoring and avoiding all my questions.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:26 AM):

There are no lack of texts.

No, I have not.

I've been asking you to clarify your questions.

Which you haven't done.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:27 AM):

It's like you're trying to trick me into telling you something I don't want you to know.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:27 AM):

Yes, then I'm just crazy and don't know anything about what's going on because I'm living in imaginationland.

Yeah, okay, buddy, because typing one single sentence in retort to her paragraph-long response on the post about me is definitely answering all of her questions, and clearing the air for her.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:29 AM):

I'm talking to you for a purpose. Not for the small talk in life.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:29 AM):

The point I was trying to make is, Amanda, that I'm allowed to have things I don't tell you. Or other people.

That is a RIGHT that I have as a human being.

And if you're mad at me for having a secret, well.

What? You just finished saying that you've completely disclosed everything to her and attempted to answer all of her questions, and now you're trying to justify not having to answer her questions? GG.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:37 AM):

Have you ever looked at my pictures on Facebook? >>

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:38 AM):

Conveniently irrelevant, however.


What's so interesting about them?

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:38 AM):

The comments.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:38 AM):

And how is that relevant?

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:38 AM):

Holly and Mariah complementing me left and right.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:38 AM):

iIm not going to be brainwashed by staring at pictures of you, if that's what your goal is.. for me to get apathy or humanity and stuff. I probably wouldn't understand the context.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:39 AM):

Holly when she was your friend and Mariah your gf?

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:39 AM):


Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:39 AM):

who knows.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:39 AM):

I don't think I'm THAT attractive to brainwash anyone.


I lol'd. Hard. What did you think, that your face would somehow be enough to make her feel sympathy for you, or that she'd take pity on you because you're "hot"? Or is this supposed to be concrete evidence that what you're saying is true, because we do, in fact, exist?

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:40 AM):

I. I re-meet Tara.

II. She gets me on this UG chat site thing.

III. I meet Mariah and Holly there.

IV. I hate Mariah, I like Holly.

V. Time passes, Tara and I break up.

VI. Holly wants to have a 'phone night' with Mariah and I.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:41 AM):

VIII. Mariah and I decide we like each other.

IX. Mariah and I keep talking after Holly leaves, we hook up, etc.

X. Mariah and I are kind of on rocky ground, I can't trust her after the cutting. You are aware of the goings on, yes?

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:43 AM):

I'm the one asking questions~ It's pretty obvious though that I'm aware, considering I talked to her about it on multiple occassions, including after when you broke up. While, at the time it was truly against my coinscience and you told me she was undeserving, I still did it. Perhaps you weren't aware of that though.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:44 AM):

XI. Holly tells me to break up with Mariah.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:45 AM):

Because you couldn't handle it, yes. You kept putting it on my plate of already heaping matters and if you couldn't deal with it and you constantly said it wasn't worth it, why would I say otherwise?

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:45 AM):


But I was still kind of teetering on that edge.

I would like to make it clear at this point that Holly and Mariah are best friends.

LOL WHAT? WHEN DID I TELL YOU TO BREAK UP WITH HER? I didn’t betray Mariah by letting her age slip by accidentally mentioning that the only reason that she acted the way she acted was purely because of her age, and had absolutely nothing to do with a flaw in her personality - but after I said that, I couldn’t very well backpedal, and had to explain what I meant. Yes, as you pointed out, I DID lie to her, and you DID cover it up for me (as did Nick and Sam) - but eventually I felt like such shit over it that I told her the truth (which didn’t stop all three of you from trying to use it against me to drive a wedge between Mariah and I, and don’t deny that’s what you were trying to do - because for what other reason would you try and tell her that you’ve seen my tits on webcam? I CALL BULLSHIT). At any rate-

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:52 AM):



[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:52 AM):

Ah, now who's doing the mocking?

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:52 AM):

Back to the point.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:52 AM):


Moving along, again.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:53 AM):

It's not mocking, it's commentary.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:53 AM):

Yeah. ";;" is such..

Never mind.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:53 AM):

If you think it's fake, that's all good and dandy. I don't have to say either way. And if you think it's fake anyhow, it's not mockery.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:53 AM):

";;" is pretty much the same as "QQ".

Which, if you didn't know, means "cry more.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:53 AM):

I get QQ enough from you.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:53 AM):



[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:54 AM):

This is why I didn't want to bring it up.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:54 AM):

Maybe ;; is just a snotty nose?

Who knows, maybe my nose is running.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:55 AM):

;; is not a typo.

You've never made that typo.

LMAO WHAT? I find this hilarious. How the fuck are you gonna sit there and tell someone what they meant by something THEY typed? Yeah, cause your English major and psychology minor obviously gives you the ability to analyze and understand another person better than they understand themselves. Stop being so self-righteous. Not everyone is as impressed by you as you are with yourself.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:58 AM):



(No, it makes a U-turn haw haw)

Holly told me to tell Mariah (as opposed to telling her Holly told me), that these two people who hated Mariah, Sam and Nick, told me Mariah's age.

Sam and Nick hate Mariah.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:59 AM):

Holly was friends with Sam.

Sam is a girl.

Sam and Nick are dating.

Sam went and told me that Holly is a backstabbing two-faced cunt, or something like that.

I told Sam that I didn't like her.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (2:59 AM):

But I thought you did?

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (2:59 AM):

She tried calling me several times, because Holly gave her my number.


I don't like Sam.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:00 AM):


So Sam told me that about Holly, and that's where I first got the idea.

Apparently Holly had a history of being two-faced.

Did you know that the only reason Sam thought I was two-faced was because of you? The reason why we had the huge fight and stopped being friends was because of what you posted in your LiveJournal, which Sam thought that I had said about her. If you didn’t like me, why did you talk to me? Why did you ask me for webcam, pics, to call you? Why did you go out of your way to convince me that I liked you and was attracted to you? Don’t pretend like you were defending my honor, because the truth is, BOTH of you talked shit about me, and both of you told me that the other was talking shit, but of course, neither of you could admit that it was also you. And I didn’t give her your damn number, which I told you 309743 times; when we four-way’d, YOU called HER because my phone didn’t have the threeway option. Obviously she got your number from caller ID. Is it difficult to understand? Why would I give your number to someone who didn’t like you when I’d JUST finished hanging up on all of you because I didn’t want to listen to the melodramatic arguments? Yeah, it makes a lot of sense to put myself back into the middle of a drama that I was trying to avoid by hanging up. =/ You are full of logic.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (3:01 AM):

Your history isn't clean either.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:01 AM):

You see, Holly proved it to me.

This isn't about me.

Yet, anyway.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (3:01 AM):

Similarities are stricking~

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:01 AM):

Holly proved it to me by betraying Mariah and telling me how Mariah had lied to me.

And then wanted me to lie to Mariah about it to stay in her good graces.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (3:02 AM):

But did she not do you a favor by telling you that Mariah had lied to you? She in essense told you the truth, regardless of how hard it was to accept.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:02 AM):

You're missing the point.

It's not that she told me the truth, it's just that she told me she had promised Mariah not to tell anyone.

And she told me.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (3:02 AM):

As soon as you would find out, there would be nothing anyway. It would be worse for both. For all you know, she was doing some big operation to save Mariah's feelings.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:02 AM):

Thus breaking her promise, and betraying Mariah.

But I thought you just finished trying to convince Amanda that the reason you were so horrible to Mariah was because you didn’t know the truth, and that in fact wouldn’t SHE want to know the truth about someone she was dating? I’m a shitty friend to her for letting it slip to you, but you get to be the unwitting victim, of course. By the way, way to lie - how could I have proven to you that what Sam said about me was true when the conversation with Sam happened THE DAY AFTER I told you about Mariah's age? The only reason this conversation even happened was so that we could all corroborate my story about them telling you Mariah's age, so how is it possible for me to prove something that you hadn't been told yet? GG. =/

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:03 AM):

Reductio ad obsurdum.

You're taking an issue and applying it to a context that doesn't fit this one.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (3:03 AM):

Props on the irrelevant latin.

Just a little piece of lulz.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:06 AM):

You told me you don't communicate with either of them.

On multiple occasions.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (3:06 AM):

I already told you I do and have.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:06 AM):

So you were lying to me, then.

No, you told me you didn't.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (3:06 AM):

Holyy, I don't communicate with, no.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:07 AM):

You generalized, and led me to believe that.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (3:07 AM):

Mariah, seldomely.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:07 AM):

And to you, an ommission is as good as a lie.

Keep this in mind, because later on, he tries to tell her that he never called her a liar during the course of this conversation.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:08 AM):

I didn't make Mariah cut herself.

Don't you dare make that accusation.

Yeah, except she never cut herself a day in her fucking life until she met you - and OH SHIT, neither did Tara or Amanda! What’s going on here?! I think they’re doing it because he’s so desirable and neither of them could have him. :’[
Edit: I love how here he's trying to say that he never made Mariah cut herself, but in his journal entry here, he's attempting to mock her for cutting his name into her arm. PICK ONE AND STICK WITH IT, MIKE. PICK ONE AND STICK WITH IT.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (3:08 AM):

I can say it with probability coming from my own experience.

Didn't I, at one point, make you cut yourself?

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:09 AM):

No, you didn't.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (3:09 AM):

It's an irrelevant argument if you want to make it.

What was that about, knife to the chest then?

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:09 AM):

That was me making a stupid choice.

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (3:09 AM):

Or did you conveniently forget about that scar that you've always claimed to have?

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:09 AM):

And how the hell do you remember that?

Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (3:09 AM):

So then you falsely accused me to guilt me.

Also known as lying~

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:09 AM):


Amanda .12.x.o6. [Abby - o2|14|o8 11 am , Coco - o1|24|o9 11:15 am Rip] says (3:09 AM):

It's not my fault you under acknowledge what I know.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:10 AM):

At the time, emotional as I was, I felt as if you were driving me to that end.

Now that I can look back on it, I know it was my own choices.

It's a little thing called hindsight.

Can I please continue with my story without your interruptions, now?

What? Did you JUST try to say that she never made you cut yourself? And now you’re trying to explain why you cut yourself because of her? Can you not even keep your lies straight between like four posts? Come on.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:11 AM):


So I went along with Holly's plan.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:12 AM):

And Holly and I kept talking for a while after, for the next couple weeks.

And we flirted, sometimes.

And then Sam and Nick got involved somehow.

Probably because of something Holly told them, or something someone that Holly told to someone else.

Because I don't talk to Sam and Nick.

[м]ίсназŀ™ {ZZzzz/} says (3:13 AM):

And Sam and Nick were all "Oh, Holly is going after Mike now, what a skank".

Because Sam started hating Holly after she sided with Mariah, and Nick doesn't like Holly in the first place.

So Holly and Sam were enemies now.

I told Nick and Sam (and you) a billion times each that I wasn’t interested in you whatsoever, that you weren’t my type and I wasn’t attracted to you at all, and even if I was, I would never do that to Mariah (which you obviously refused to believe based on the number of times you asked for webcam and tried to convince me that I thought you were hot). lol what, how the balls was I vulnerable? What does this have to do with anything? Stop pretending you know what happened, because you don’t. At all. Nick and I were good friends at the time, and have previously been friends before Sam came along. The only reason they thought that was because I ditched them all the time to talk to other people, including you. Cause definitely every multisex relationship is a potentially romantic one. You’re failing to explain why I would be biased against you in any way.

tara, bullshit, drama, internet boys, liars, amanda, srs bizniz, mariah, mike

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