Weekend Update

Oct 19, 2004 20:38

So "fall break" is almost over. I really like the idea of having these two days off, dont get me wrong, but I'm still not sure whether I like sacrificing the two days from Thanksgiving vacation. Why cant we just have both? (Yes I'm greedy but school is such a pain in the ass)

Let's see. This weekend, I did absolutely nothing. Bob and I got home around 1am on saturday night and until today at about noon, I layed in bed, sat on the couch, slept, watched movies, and a plethora of other loafing activities. I can say it was great. It's not often that I actually get to do NOTHING. I mean I'm always running to class or to work, or to wherever else I have to go, or doing whatever else I have to do, so it was definately nice to not do anything. Don't get me wrong, I had (hell I still have) tons of shit to get done, but it was a bad week last week and I figured I deserved a break.

So getting back to real life and all the shit I have to do. Those papers that I was doing, when I got up today, I still hadnt done them. Yay for procrastination! I decided I needed to get the one done before I went to work at 5. I woke up a little before twelve and by 4, I had researched, written, and printed the 6 page paper. Woo hoo for me! Now the paper sucks, but at least it's done. The other one I'm still working on, but it shouldnt be so bad to finish up. I have lots of other shit to get done, by thursday, but what the hell, it'll get done too I suppose.

Josh called me today. It was nice to hear from him. He said he and Ryan were supposed to meet in Pittsburgh in the early afternoon, and he wanted to know if I had talked to Ryan becuase he wasnt there yet. I wish I could have gone with them. It would have been lots of fun, but alas, I wrote a paper instead.

John text messaged me this weekend that he wanted my address to mail me something. When I talked to Ashley last night she said it was probably an invite to his baby shower. I got a reply to my text asking him what he was mailing me, and she was right. He's going to invite me to his baby shower. First of all, as Julie pointed out, the baby shower is not really for the men. It is the mom and her family and friends etc. The guy really isnt even gonna be there.

So the question is why invite ME? I dont fucking get it. You know, I'm not bitter toward John, but it really seems like he is trying to rub the fact that he is having a kid in my face. I DONT CARE! Maybe I should rub it in his face that he was too stupid to get me knocked up, because I, unlike stupid west virginian bitches, used birth control when we were together. Or maybe it was the fact that he could only last two minutes and my eggs needed some more stimulation than that. I mean dont get me wrong, I know birth control isnt 100%, and suprise babies do happen, but at least I took precautions ya know? I look back and I realize that was all he wanted--a baby so he could stay in the country. It's pathetic, one mintute he was calling me asking me to marry him, and I'm gonna say, MAYBE two months later (not even) he called to tell me he was having a kid. YEAH OK. You just got done wanting to marry me, and now you are having a happy family? whatever. I'm happy, and I'm in a relationship where I dont get treated like shit.

I guess that was some bitterness coming out. It just pisses me off. Not because John is having a baby and I'm not (I dont want to have a child right now) but because I saw how his brother was with his daughter, and I saw how his father was with him. He sure as hell isnt gonna be super-dad, and from what I know of this girl, shes not super-mom, so I think...poor baby. No one thinks about the kids in this stuff. I mean, it goes back to the whole take care of your responsibility thing. Bob's nephew gets dumped off all the time, and the baby's parents dont seem to care that they are dumping their kid. Then I see Julie and she's such a good mom that I wish all kids could have parents like that. Oh well enough of my ranting. People will always have babies...some people will be good parents...and some people wont...I suppose that's just the way life is. But (here's my little tidbit of wisdom for the day) having a baby is not about cute little clothes and toys, it's not about having a cute little baby to play with, it's not about what mommy wants or what daddy wants, it's about what's best for the baby. Why does it seem that people dont realize that?

Look at me getting all philosophical. Hell what do I know? Maybe John will be a great father and whats-her-face will be a great mother. I'm not really the person to judge that. You know what would really throw him off? If I actually went to the shower? OH MY GOD! He'd shit his pants. Now, I'm not actually gonna drive to west virginia to go to his baby shower, but wouldnt it be funny if I told him I was coming?

Anyway, I have to go play write a paper. I'm SOO excited.
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