Nov 01, 2007 12:42
just putting up a small entry while i have the time..
i don't know if i ever posted about the house drama that went on couple months or so ago? i'm too lazy to look, but basically i had to move in a really short period of time. luckily we got a loan and the whole thing disappeared and we thought we were going to get to stay here. BUT since the housing market is so shitty right now, they added some extra requirements for the loan at last minute and since we can't meet those requirements, we have to leave within the next four days. that means packing up and moving everything unless we want it out on the lawn monday morning for everyone to see.
i get bored easily, so i'm excited about living in a new house, but having to do it so fast is really stressful. it's also just my luck that i have to work every single day that we have to move. 5-9 today and tomorrow, 3-9 on saturday, and 5-9 on sunday. tomorrow is also the last day of the six weeks grading period, and i have two big tests that i am NOT ready for at all. i have to rewrite the DBQ that i lost because apparently i didn't save it dglzsdjgg and i still have to finish that damn painting. BASZFGSFG
no little sleep tonight!
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for my own use, feel free to ignore it:
work 5-9
read and study for APUSH 9:30pm-11:30pm
read the crucible and do the questions 11:30pm-1:30am
finish DBQ 1:30am-2:30am?
finish painting 2:30am-3:30am?
sleeeep 3:30am-6:00am
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studying for APUSH will probably take longer than that because i have to catch up on so much, but hopefully english won't really take that much time and it'll all balance out. now i have about 4 hours to pack and clean until i have to go to work..
wish me luck! @__@