(no subject)

Dec 17, 2005 12:32

Since I've started PT, I've noticed that people tend to whine a LOT. Every time I'm there, there are people who, while doing their exercises, just bitch and bitch. "Ohhhhhh, I don't think I'll be able to do those exercises" "won't that hurt?" "That may kill me". I just want to go shake them. I don't care if they're old women, I'll shake em. You aren't going to get better if you don't push beyond what's comfortable. Maybe it's me, I dunno. My parents are kinda old-school, blue collar folk, so it was always a "quit your bitchin and play" when I was growing up. I think people just need a good ass-whoopin once in a while. Also, I do realize the irony of me bitching about people who bitch, so don't bother pointing that out.
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