Feb 11, 2005 10:16
YAY! *twirl finger*
Today I get to join Stevan and be a coding monkey for the companies new website. We want to make a GIANT manufactuers directory with links to thier websites, just for quick reffernce for customers. Later on in the day I belive I am going to go to Suntek and pick up one of those nifty new drawing pads they have and help Stevan and the owner come up with a new logo for the site too. All this cookie cutter template junk is getting a little old now, to me a websites look is the ultimate first impression for a customer, if our site looks like crap, whats to keep them from thinking the rest of the stuff is junk? I think its been the artist in me fighting to get out recently. I think its from me trying to figure out how I was going to fix up my car when I do the new paintjob, That and recently one of my moms friends wanted me to do some new airbrushing work for her as well... I hate being artistic because then I become more of an asshole and get even more stubborn then usual.
I just wish there was an easier way to do what I have to do today, on top of everything else!
Ken is about as helpfull as a screendoor on a submarine, Shannon wont bother to do anything extra and Stevan is about as busy as I am. Just hope today is a slow friday like last week :(
BTW, Anyone know where the Benihana's is in the Woodlands? I have to be there by 8:30 tonight to meet some friends and dont know where it is.