
Friday Five

Aug 22, 2021 13:55

Let’s take a break from the RPG stuff and do a ‘normal’ set of prompts for a change!

1. What luxury is totally worth the price?
Butter. We don’t eat bread, but when we did, we totally got butter instead of margarine. Butter is not that more expensive, and it does taste a lot better.

2. What is the most unique or silliest problem you have going on in your life at the moment?
We still have to decide where we’re going to order food from to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Which is kind-of the opposite of a problem, but still.

3. If you were so wealthy you didn’t need to work, what would you do with your time?
I would stop working, and dedicate my time to writing, reading and playing RPGs. And probably a lot of travel too.

4. What is the most tedious and/or the most exciting sport to watch?
I think every sport is tedious to watch if you don’t know what it is about. Sports are about people doing interesting tricks, but if you don’t know the nuances, it’s just people running around - sometimes there’s a ball involved too. But if you know the rules and can recognize great or smart moves, then you can appreciate what is going on. And that is what makes it exciting.

5. What do you think the ideal age to be is?
I strive to make my current age the best age to be for me.
Crossposted from my blog. Comment here or at the original post.

friday five

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