
Friday Five

Jan 09, 2021 22:04

1) What act of kindness have you witnessed (or done yourself) recently?
I was happy to point out to others that the Croatian Red Cross has a donation page for support for the victims of the earthquakes in Croatia when people were looking for a way to ease the suffering. And of course I tried it out by making a donation myself.

2) What is your favorite memory?
Being gifted with two cups and saucers of the local stoneware by the grandma running a simple eatery in her front room because we were just married, with her best wishes. It was super special and humbling.

3) What activity always seems to energize you?
Reading, gaming, talking about RPGs.

4) Did you do something recently that made you laugh at yourself? What was it?
I don’t tend to take myself too seriously in the first place.

5) What is your favorite inspirational quote?
I really like the ones by Ursula LeGuin: “We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings.” We do not have to accept our society being the way it is, we can change it and do better. Society was designed, and we can re-design it if we want.
It is especially apt because I realised this fact after reading through her novel “The Dispossessed” at an impressionable age.
Crossposted from my blog. Comment here or at the original post.

meme, friday five

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