
Interview meme

Oct 13, 2018 08:10

• A meme:
→ Comment with “Come at me, bro”
→ I’ll respond by asking you five questions, so I can get to know you better.
→ Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
→ Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

These questions are from ashmedai:
1. If you do grow a garden one day, what would be some ( Read more... )


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beauty_forashes October 15 2018, 19:46:10 UTC
So all the time invested is really the time needed to play.

Which I don't have, haha! Literally every minute of my day is booked solid. It's a luxury to find time to watch a movie now and then.

With him in such discomfort, I keenly felt that I wasn't honouring my end of the deal.

I think you were. I think part of our end is also trying our best to make sure they're healthy, and sometimes that involves discomfort (I mean, it does for us too, when we're sick and need medical care). But I think it's also important to recognize when all the care in the world would just prolong suffering, and you did. And then it's time to keep them company and comfort them while they embark on that last journey. You're a good pet owner, and I'm sure all your pets would agree, including those departed. But at the same time, I think I can relate. After a few months of trying to save Smokie, only to realize he was in pain in the end and wouldn't make it, I had horrible guilt after his death. It took me a very long time to make peace with myself again, even (logically) knowing I'd tried my best for him. I think I'd have even worse guilt if I hadn't tried my best and given up before it was certain there was no hope.


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