
Star Trek Adventures

Oct 10, 2018 21:02

Last Sunday, we made characters for a Star Trek Adventures campaign, the current incarnation of a Star Trek RPG. We went through the rule system and it seems pretty cool. I get to play a Betazoid engineer, the lowest-ranked player character…
And yesterday, we had our first session. And after the “opening scenes”, our GM showed us the intro he made for our “series”, made from scratch!
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XUgjpKWaxE[/embedyt]

So cool to see your nickname in the credits like that.
(I go by ‘FubFubFub’ on services that require usernames with more than three characters, like Twitch, which is where I connected with this group.)
Crossposted from my blog. Comment here or at the original post.

star trek, rpg

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