omg 2 days!!

Nov 23, 2004 01:59

SO, this last weekend was nutz. I went apt shopping, like i may have already stated. Spongebob was a triumph! (thanks Josh!) AND last day of work, they said it was to be slow, so...of course it was me. I bought a burberry wallet today, and OMG is it A WORK OF ART! i work fri, sat and sun at carrabbas and have to race my ass back here for a drag show at P House (THEY BETTER send me my mother fuckin money). Man o MAN will that be great! SO, for now, i have much to plan. Wed- going out, Thurs- momma's day, Fri morn- beach then work at 5:30, sat- who knows a.m., CALL ME, work at 5-close, sun work 2:45 open, race back, get changed, MAYBE find out if i made o-team, go out to P House, find out who did make o-team the next day, and study hard hard hard for all my finals and tests that next week.

P.S. If you are still thinking that rushing a frat is too late, and you're at UCF, check out Sigma Nu. they'll be at the game TOMORROW at 7, tailgating before, call the cell for details. Iniate stuff doesn't START until the DEC. 5, so DO IT!


P.S.S. Thanksgiving pre-party was a success, for the most part. AKAHOL is my BFF on nights like tonight!
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