I was hoping that yesterday's sore throat would be a short term thing, but symptoms have been expanding, not diminishing. Now I've got that congestion thing. I'm not so sick that I can't get out of bed and do things, but I'm sick enough that I'd rather not. Since I don't have to leave to go teach until 3:30, I'm leaning towards lazy for now. I still have tomorrow to work on this week's art project (themes of New Jersey&Technology and/or death&hair), so I'll let myself slack on that for the time being, and just post my last project for now.
These movies are the second project I submitted for the first week, this one working with the meat/repetition theme.
fan of bacon?
Check these out (have sound on):
Let the sweet smell of bacony goodness waft over you.
There's a making of slideshow, a la Arsenio, at:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/55835684@ N00/sets/72157594485748195/show/